Error Analysis grade 5

Thoughtful Classroom Tool (name and book title/page)Error Analysis Form page 202 Tools of Thoughtful classroom
Teacher NameGrade/Subjects Taught Mrs. Long Math 5th grade  
Brief Tool DescriptionWhat is its purpose? Is it for a particular dimension of the Thoughtful Classroom framework? What do the teacher and students do during the strategy that make it valuable?  I used to help students look back at their work and make sense out of what they had done.  I handed students their test back and reviewed with them my expectations on how to fill out the form.  
Example(s) of How to Use the Tool in the ClassroomDoes it lend itself best to a particular subjects? Have you used the strategy successfully with a particular topic? Is there a lesson you can describe that illustrates how to use it?I think any class will use this strategy for any subject manner.
Suggestions for AdaptationsCould it be easily adapted for a higher/lower grade? For a different subject area? For assessment?I had to demonstrate to the students how  to fill out the sheet. Then I provided feedback on their comments.
Other Suggestions/CommentsMany students required extra guidance on how to fill out sheet. A model helped.   Most students were very generalized in their comments. This led to a discussion on what specific details mean.

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