BlendEd Best Practices Unit Measurement- Area and Volume

Unit Title: Measurement- Area and Volume

Title and Description

This unit is titled: Measurement: Area and Volume

The description of the purpose of the unit is: In this unit students will learn to find the perimeter and area of plane and composite figures, find the circumference and area of circles, Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders, Volume of Prisms and Cylinders, Volume and Surface Area Applications.

Content Area Skill:

Add Skill(s)

Students will perform and compare measurements and apply formulas.

Digital Age Skill(s):

Add Skill(s)

Innovative Designer 

Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.

Duration of Unit:

3 weeks

Overview of Unit:

In this unit students will learn to find the perimeter and area of plane and composite figures, find the circumference and area of circles, Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders, Volume of Prisms and Cylinders, Volume and Surface Area Applications.

Empower Learners:

Content Area Skills (NE and ISTE Standards):

MA7.3.3a Solve real-world problems involving perimeter and area of composite shapes made from triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons.

MA7.3.3.b Solve real-world problems involving surface area and volume of composite shapes made from rectangular and triangular prisms.

MA7.3.3c Determine the area and circumference of circles both on and off the coordinate plane.

ISTE 4b - Innovative Designer 

Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.

Student Friendly Objectives:

I can solve real-world problems involving perimeter and area of composite shapes made from triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons. 

I can solve real-world problems involving surface area and volume of composite shapes made from rectangular and triangular prisms.

I can determine the area and circumference of circles both on and off the coordinate plane.

I can select a digital tool to plan and manage a design process. 

Empower Learner Activity:

Detailed Description:

A priority standard for 8th grade mathematics is area and volume of various shapes.  Students will evaluate themselves before, during, and after the unit.

Detailed Description 

  1. Students will take a pre-assessment using Quizlet and click test.
  2. Students will use this Google form to reflect on the outcome of their score and rate themselves on a scale of 1-4 in terms of “You Spin me round…..I’m Square.”
  3. Students will self assess each student-friendly learning target using a likert scale. Students will set goals for the unit based on the learning targets and pre-assessment data.

Knowledge Application:

The purpose of Knowledge Application is to promote deeper-level learning through student creation of learning artifacts demonstrating both Content Area and Digital Age Skills. A key goal is to provide some degree of control over how students will show what they know.

Artifact Profile:

Title of the Artifact:

Tic Tac Toe Activity

Detailed Description:

In this project, you get to create your plan for building your own (deck, table, kitchen cabinets, roof for your house) Use a digital tool to draw plans, label the measurements, you must have something with straight lines and something with a circle. You will need to find the perimeter, area, & surface area of your straight edged shapes, and the circumference and area of circular shapes.

Content Area Skills Addressed:

MA7.3.3a, b, c

Digital Age Skills

IISTE 4b - Innovative Designer 

Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.

Link to Rubric


Knowledge Deepening:

Detailed Description:

During Knowledge Deepening, the Content Area Skills required of the Learning Artifact are broken down into bite-sized tasks. A key goal is to provide some degree of choice over how students practice the Content Area Skills.


Task 1

Description:  Area, perimeter

Choose how to practice. Paper/pencil practice problems or IXL problems.

Must Do’s: 7th Grade IXLs Z 1-4 AA 1-3 or paper homework

May Do’s: 7th grade  IXLs AA 4

Resources: Interactive 3D Shapes Share a screenshot when you have it complete.

Task 2

Description:  Volume and Surface Area

Must Do’s: Z 1-3 AA 5, 7-9, 12, 13 or paper homework.

May Do’s: Z4 AA , 6, 10 & 11

Resources:  Doodle Notes 1 Doodle Notes 2

Direct Instruction:

Detailed Description

Direct Instruction scaffolds the learning process for all students. A key goal is to incorporate BlendEd strategies to effectively differentiate instruction in order to maximize learning.

Learning Path:

Include in the table below the breakdown of each day of the unit.

Day #


BlendEd Model

Resources, worksheets, and links used


PreTest & reflection Whole Group discussion.

Whole Group

Area & Perimeter Formulas.


Partner Work on Perimeter and Area


& Small Group



Self Paced IXL work - Exit Ticket - Prove It!

Task 1.

Flex Model - independent work & small group meet with teacher.

Task 1


Direct Instruction

(attach video in link)

Surface Area


Partner Work on Surface Area

Collaboration & Small Group



Self Paced IXL work - Exit Ticket - Prove It!

Flex model

Task 2


Whole Group Instruction



Partner Work on Volume




Self Pace IXL work - Exit Ticket - Prove it


“I can” game - What is an “I CAN” game?

It is literally a can that contains a variety of “test like” questions. Each question comes in multiple-choice format. - Students can play individually or in partners. 



(Rules included)


Tic Tac Toe Project




Download: BlendEd_-_Area_Perimeter_SA__Circles_DbYdNCR.pdf

Download: I_Can_Game_Per_Area_Surface_Area_Volume.pdf



Doodle Notes

Teachers Pay Teachers 


“I Can” game

*inspired by TPT


Tic Tac Toe

Inspired by TPT




YouTube Playlist


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