3rd Grade ELA: Election Process

Unit Title: 3rd Grade ELA: Election Process

Title and Description

This unit is titled: ELA Election Process Wonders Unit 2 Week 3

Purpose: This unit is designed around Wonders, Unit 2 Week 3. It was created by Stacy Hennerberg through Nebraska's ESUCC BlendEd Learning program. In this unit students will use what they know about how words are structured to  read a variety of Expository Texts about the election process. Students will identify author’s point of view, explain why the author wrote the text and support their answer by citing proof in text.  Students will then hold an election of their own, choose from a variety of topics they would like to vote on, then create digitally a campaign video communicating their point of view with details to support their point of view in hopes to persuade the audience to vote for their topic.

Content Area Skill:

Content Area Skills: 

Student Friendly Learning Objectives:

LA 3.1.3.b Use word structure to read text. (e.g., prefixes/suffixes, contractions, syllabication, derivation)

I can use what I know about how words are structured to read text.

LA 3.1.4.a Listen to and read text of increasing length and/or complexity to increase reader stamina.

I can listen to and read longer and more difficult texts.

LA 3.1.6.k Select text and explain the purpose (e.g., answer a question, solve problems, enjoy, form an opinion, understand a specific viewpoint, predict outcomes, discover models for own writing, accomplish a task.)

I can explain why an author wrote a text to help me understand what it means.

I can explain my purpose for choosing and reading a text.

LA 3.2.2.a  Communicate information and ideas effectively in analytic, descriptive, informative, narrative, poetic, persuasive, and reflective modes to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.

I can write for a variety of purposes and audiences.

I can communicate in a variety of ways using different types of writing.

LA 3.3.1.d Convey a perspective with clear reasoning and support.

I can communicate and support my point of view.

LA 3.4.2.b Use appropriate digital tools (e.g. social media, online collaborative tools, apps) to communicate with others for conveying information, gathering opinions, and solving problems)

I can use technology appropriately and responsibly.

I can show safe behavior when using technology to communicate with others.

I can gather and share information using digital tools.

Digital Age Skill(s):

Add Skill(s)

Empower Learners

Creative Communicator

Duration of Unit:

5 lessons 

Overview of Unit:

In this unit students will use what they know about how words are structured to  read a variety of Expository Texts about the election process. Students will identify author’s point of view, explain why the author wrote the text and support their answer by citing proof in text.  Students will then hold an election of their own, choose from a variety of topics they would like to vote on, then create digitally a campaign video communicating their point of view with details to support their point of view in hopes to persuade the audience to vote for their topic.

Empower Learners:

Content Area Skills (NE and ISTE Standards):


LA 3.1.3.b

LA 3.1.4.a

LA 3.1.6.k

LA 3.2.2.a

LA 3.3.1.d

LA 3.4.2.b

Student Friendly Objectives:

I can use what I know about how words are structured to read text.

I can listen to and read longer and more difficult texts.

I can explain why an author wrote a text to help me understand what it means.

I can explain my purpose for choosing and reading a text.

I can write for a variety of purposes and audiences.

I can communicate in a variety of ways using different types of writing.

I can communicate and support my point of view.

I can use technology appropriately and responsibly.

I can show safe behavior when using technology to communicate with others.

I can gather and share information using digital tools.

Empower Learner Activity:

Detailed Description:

1. Students will take the Pretest assigned online on Wonders over the Comprehension and Vocabulary skill we will be working on for the week.

2. Students set their goal for the Unit prior to the start of Unit 2.  These are displayed in the classroom. At the end of each week, I meet with the students individually to discuss their progress and celebrate as they achieve their goals.  We revisit the goals as well, especially if students have aimed a bit too high, and they make changes if needed.

3. Following the Week, students will then fill out their Seesaw Recording Self-Evaluation based on the Chatterpix project they uploaded to Seesaw.  (We also use these forms when they record things like fluency as well.)

Download: Copy_of_Reading_Goal_Setting_Form.pdf

Download: Seesaw_Fluency_Recording_Self_Evaluations.pdf

Knowledge Application:

Title of the Artifact:

Chatterpix Campaign Video

Detailed Description:

We were working on taking surveys, marking tallies, and creating a pictograph in math.  I had students choose three of their favorite foods for the activity in math. Using that information that they collected, we had our top 3 food items for the class.  These were foods that appeared on every 3rd graders’ pictograph. Those top three foods became our “Candidates” for our campaign. Each student chose one to be the product or “Candidate” to promote.  Students will write a 30 second campaign video promoting their product, and using their point of view that is supported by details as to why the audience should vote for them.  They will then design a campaign poster and use that poster in their Chatterpix video. The videos will then be uploaded onto Seesaw and the class will view their videos and then an election will be held. Posters with the Chatterpix QR code from Seesaw will be displayed in the cafeteria (since it was a food item for “Candidates") for others to view as well.The cooks then put the winning “candidate” on the menu!

Content Area Skills Addressed:

Point of View


Digital Age Skills

Empower Learners

Creative Communicator

Link to Rubric

Chatterpix Rubric available for purchase

Knowledge Deepening:

Detailed Description:

Students will utilize their choice board to choose a combination of online activities or hands on activities to work on their reading, phonics or spelling skills for the week.


Task 1

Students will utilize their choice board to choose a combination of online activities or hands on activities to work on their reading, phonics or spelling skills for the week.

Unit 2 Week 3 Choice Board 

90 Minute Reading Block Template

Download: Choice_Board_Template_Unit_2_Week_3.pdf

Download: Mrs._Hennerbergs_3rd_Grade_Reading_90_Minute_Block_Unit_2_Week_3.pdf

Task 2

The Chatterpix activity is part of the writing piece.  Students will write a 30 second campaign video promoting their product, and using their point of view that is supported by details as to why the audience should vote for them.  They will then design a campaign poster and use that poster in their Chatterpix video. The videos will then be uploaded onto Seesaw and the class will view their videos and then an election will be held. Posters with the Chatterpix QR code from Seesaw will be displayed in the cafeteria (since it was a food item for “Candidates) for others to view as well.The cooks then put the winning “candidate” on the menu! Chatterpix Rubric for purchase

Direct Instruction:

Learning Path:

Learning Path

Day #


BlendEd Model



The essential question will be introduced to the essential question, “How do people make government work?” They will watch the new concept video and fill out the graphic organizer.  The skills on the focus board will be introduced for the week. Students will listen to their fluency read, mark their fluency goal and then be timed 1 minute. New vocabulary will be introduced with the routine of define, example, ask.  Students will make mobiles to display in the room. The story “Every Vote Counts” will be listened to as a first read and discussed. Spelling words will be introduced as well. Students will take the Wonders online pretest for Unit 2 Week 3. This helps guide who needs work on the skills for the week.  These skills are also shared with the Title I Teacher and our interventions instructor, so they work on the Tier 2 activities with those students.

Whole Group


Online Reading

Reading, Writing, Workshop Book

And Differentiated worksheets for students


We will review vocabulary as a whole group.  Then we will break into our small groups for Station Rotation.  Orange Group (approaching level) will meet with the teacher first, and we will go over high frequency words, vocabulary words and the phonics lesson.  The story “The Race to the Presidency” will be introduced. We will work on chapter 1, taking notes and looking for Point of View (opinions) The para will meet with the Blue Group (on level) and do the reread/close read of the story from yesterday and work on finding proof in text.  Green Group (beyond level) will work independently on the must dos and choice boards. All three groups will rotate to the stations.

Whole group/Station Rotation

Online vocabulary game on Wonders,

Reading, Writing Workshop books, Leveled Readers, and Differentiated worksheets, choice boards


Whole group will listen to “Vote” and fill out the graphic organizer for Point of View.  We will then break into our station rotation groups. Teacher group will discuss chapter 1 from the previous day and assign chapter 2.  Para group will begin the reread of “Vote” and fill out the close read companion workbook while rereading. The other group will be working independently on their choice boards and must do’s.

Whole Group/Station Rotation

Online Wonders,

Anthology books, Leveled Readers, Differentiated worksheets, choice boards


Review day as needed for whole group or small groups.  Then fluency reread and Author’s point of view skill. Otherwise most of Day 4 reading block is spent in our rotations.  Teacher time meets to discuss chapter 2 and finish Chapter 3 with each group. The para group will finish their reread of “Vote” and finish filling out their close read companion book.

Review as needed/Station Rotation

Online Wonders, anthology, leveled readers, differentiated worksheets, choice boards


Unit 2 Week 3 Weekly Test online Wonders, Selection Test online Wonders and Spelling Test online on Spelling City.  Finish Choice boards. 


Online Wonders and Spelling City, choice boards


See above

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