BlendEd Best Practices-Unit 4 Wonders

Unit Title:

Title and Description-

This unit is titled: Unit 4 Wonders-- Created by: Reba Hesteramann for ESUCC, for the BlendED Best Practices.

The description of the purpose of the unit is: Students will research different topics while focusing vocabulary, spelling, collaborating, sharing, and presenting.

Content Area Skill:

Add Skill(s)

Skill #1-ELA Reading

Skill #2- Writing

Digital Age Skill(s):

Add Skill(s)

Skill #1-Multiple Literacies

Duration of Unit:

6 weeks

Overview of Unit:

In this unit, students will research and create informational books about their animals. Students will also be focused on spelling, reading, collaborating, vocabulary, and presenting.

Empower Learners:

Learning Objectives

Content Area Skills: 

Student Friendly Learning Objectives:

  • L.5.4a  Use context (e.g., cause/effect relationships and comparisons in text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.  

  • L.5.4b  Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., photograph, photosynthesis).  

  • L.5.4c  Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.  

  • L.5.5  Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.  

  • L.5.5c  Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., synonyms, antonyms, homographs) to better understand each of the words. 

  • I can acquire and use new, grade-level vocabulary for different purposes. 

  • I can use what I know about words to determine their meaning. 

  • I can locate and use context clues and text features to determine the meaning of new words. 

  • I can connect new vocabulary to what I already know and use those words in other situations. 

  • I can use a variety of resources to determine the meaning of words. 

  • RF.5.3a  Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of context.  

  • RF.5.4b  Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.   

  • I can read a variety of texts smoothly, correctly, and expressively. 

  • I can use strategies to read longer and more difficult texts.

  • I can change my pace and expression to show the meaning of a text. 

  • RL.5.1  Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.  

  • RL.5.4  Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.  

  • RL.5.6  Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described.  

  • RL.5.7  Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem). 

  • RL.5.9  Compare and contrast stories in the same genre (e.g., mysteries and adventure stories) on their approaches to similar themes and topics. 

  • I can use reading strategies to understand grade-level literary and informational texts. 

  • I can explain the relationships between the elements of a story. 

  • I can identify and explain why authors use literary devices. 

  • I can use key details to summarize, analyze, and explain the theme of a story. 

  • I can explain the main idea and key details of informational text and/or media. 

  • I can use and explain how text features help me locate information and understand what I read. 

  •  I can use text evidence to compare and contrast different kinds of texts. 

  •  I can ask and answer different kinds of questions and support them with specific information from the text.

  • I can demonstrate my understanding of text in different ways. 

  • I can compare and contrast a written text and a visual or oral display of the text.

  • SL.5.1  Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.  

  • SL.5.1a  Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion.  

  • SL.5.1c  Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.  

  • SL.5.1d  Review the key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge gained from the discussions.  

  • SL.5.2  Summarize a written text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.  

    • I can communicate ideas using speaking skills in many settings. 

    • I can speak clearly in many situations, including sharing my ideas about text. 

    • I can use appropriate media to improve my verbal communication and make it more interesting. 

    • I can learn and use active listening skills in different situations. 

    • I can listen and follow directions to complete a task with multiple steps. 

    • I can have productive conversations with others. 

    • I can use good speaking and listening skills while communicating with others. 

    • I can listen to, question, explain, and summarize information being communicated. I can express my ideas, respect the views of others, and deepen my understanding when having conversations. 

  • W.5.3  Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.  

  • W.5.3a  Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally.  

  • W.5.3b  Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, description, and pacing, to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations.  

  • W.5.3c  Use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events. 

  • W.5.3d  Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely. 

  • W.5.3e  Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.  

  • W.5.4  Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.  

  • W.5.5  With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.  

  • W.5.7  Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.  

  • W.5.9  Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.  

    • I can write for a variety of purposes and audiences using different modes. 

    • I can communicate in a variety of ways using different types of writing. 

    • I can find text evidence to support my ideas, opinions, and research. 

    • I can answer questions or solve problems by doing research projects and sharing results. 

    •  I can use appropriate word choice and vocabulary for different modes of writing.

    • I can compare good examples of writing to create a similar piece. 

    Empower Learner Activity:

    Detailed Description:

    1. Students will take a pre-assessment using Placement/Diagnostic Assessment. This component serves as the initial screening instrument and contains assessments that can be assigned throughout the unit to monitor student progress and pinpoint students’ strengths and weaknesses

    2. Students will self assess each student-friendly learning target using a likert scale.

    3. Students will set goals for the unit based on the learning targets and pre-assessment data. They will post weekly reading goals as well as goal for the entire unit that will be posted in classroom for everyone to see.

    4. Students will complete a weekly concept practice to take student learning goals and progress with the unit concepts.

    Knowledge Application:

    The knowledge activity using research skills, the students will represent their knowledge of the topic with their final product.

    Artifact Profile:

    Title of the Artifact:

    Famous Person Project   (Unit 4 Week 3)

    Detailed Description:

    Each student will pick one famous person that they would like to be or that they would like to learn about. They will research information about that person and create a baseball card to describe them.

    Content Area Skills Addressed:

    Social Studies



    Digital Age Skills

    Empowering learner

    Innovative Designer

    Creative Communicator

    Link to Rubric 

    Download: Baseball_card_rubric.pdf

    Knowledge Deepening:

    Detailed Description:

    Students are given a choice as to how they are going to complete the following tasks.


    Task 1-Unit 4 Week 1 choice board

    Description:  This choice board is done during their word work station. They will be completing activities that go with the weekly vocabulary and spelling. Students will also complete a concept practice as data assessment for each weekly reading skills and strategies.

    Must Do’s:

    Spelling packet

    Unit 4 Week 1 Concept practice

    May Do’s:

    Vocabulary choice board#2


    Word of the Week Board

    Class Dojo


    Spelling Trifold

    Spelling choice board #2


    Download: U4W1_Menu_Choice_Board_Template.pdf

    Task 2-Unit 4 Week 2 choice board

    Description:  This choice board is done during their word work station. They will be completing activities that go with the weekly vocabulary and spelling. Students will also complete a concept practice as data assessment for each weekly reading skills and strategies.

    Must Do’s:

    Spelling packet

    Unit 4 Week 2 concept practice

    May Do’s:

    Vocabulary choice board #1


    Word of the Week Board

    Class Dojo


    Spelling Trifold

    Spelling choice board #1


    Download: U4W2_Menu_Choice_Board_Template.pdf

    Task 3-Unit 4 Week 3 choice board

    Description:  This choice board is done during their word work station. They will be completing activities that go with the weekly vocabulary and spelling. Students will also complete a concept practice as data assessment for each weekly reading skills and strategies.

    Must Do’s:

    Spelling packet

    Unit 4 Week 3 concept practice

    May Do’s:

    Vocabulary choice board #2




    Word Work Binder activity

    Spelling Choice board #2


    Download: U4W3_Menu_Choice_Board_Template.pdf

    Task 4-Unit 4 Week 4 choice board

    Description:  This choice board is done during their word work station. They will be completing activities that go with the weekly vocabulary and spelling. Students will also complete a concept practice as data assessment for each weekly reading skills and strategies.

    Must Do’s:

    Spelling packet

    Unit 4 Week 4 concept practice

    May Do’s:

    Vocabulary choice board #1




    Spelling Trifold

    Word Work binder activity

    Spelling Choice board #1


    Download: _U4W4_Menu_Choice_Board_Template.pdf

    Task 5-Unit 4 Week 5 choice board

    Description:  This choice board is done during their word work station. They will be completing activities that go with the weekly vocabulary and spelling. Students will also complete a concept practice as data assessment for each weekly reading skills and strategies.

    Must Do’s:

    Spelling packet

    Unit 4 Week 5 concept practice

    May Do’s:

    Vocabulary choice board #2




    Word Work Binder activity

    Spelling choice board #2


    Download: U4W5_Menu_Choice_Board_Template.pdf

    Task 6-Unit 4 choice board

    Description:  This choice board is used out throughout the whole unit. The choice board will work on 3 main skills/strategies that are a main focus in this Unit 4 of Wonders. Students will need to complete 2 activities in each column and complete at least 1 activity per week. 

    Must Do’s:

    1 Visualize activities

    1 Point of View activities

    1 Informational text activities

    May Do’s:

    Any other activity on the board for extra skills and strategies practice


    Download: Unit_4_Skills_Choice_board.pdf

    Direct Instruction:

    Detailed Description

    Direct Instruction scaffolds the learning process for all students. A key goal is to incorporate BlendEd strategies to effectively differentiate instruction in order to maximize learning.

    Learning Path:

    Week 1

    Learning Path

    Day #


    BlendEd Model



    Daily language/ 5 A day language

    Building Background: Sharing Stories

    Introduce Vocabulary: Words in Context

    Small group: Fluency practice

    Close Read: “How Mighty Kate Stopped the Train” 

    Enriched- virtual model

    Rotation model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day

    Practice vocabulary

    Small group: Leveled reader


    Point of view

    Genre: Tall Tale

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    Enriched- virtual model

    Rotation model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day

    Phonics: Final el and en

    Small group: Leveled reader

    Close Read: “How Davy Crockett Saves the World” 

    Selection assessment

    Flex model


    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Practice vocabulary

    Small group: Leveled Readers

    Grammar: Pronouns and antecedents

    Individual rotation model

    Khan Academy:


    Daily language

    Spelling Test

    Vocabulary quiz

    Grammar quiz

    Weekly Test

    Formal online learning

    ConnectEd online assessment center: collects data

    SpellingCity: Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar

    NoRedInk: Grammar 

    Download: U4_W1__Pear_Deck_Slides.pdf

    Khan Academy

    Week 2

    Learning Path

    Day #


    BlendEd Model



    Daily language/ 5 A day language

    Building Background: Discoveries

    Introduce Vocabulary: Words in Context

    Small group: Fluency practice

    Close Read: “Where’s Brownie?”

    Worksheet: practicing skills and strategies in the story

    Enriched- virtual model

    Rotation model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day

    Adages and Proverbs

    Small group: Leveled reader

    Visualize: Into A Book website

    Enriched- virtual model

    Rotation model


    Into A Book: 


    Daily language/ 5 A Day

    Adages and Proverbs

    Small group: Leveled reader

    Point of View: Short Films: Okapodi (do together) SpellBound (Do with a partner)

    Flex model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day

    Grammar: Kinds of Pronouns

    Small group: Leveled reader

    Close Read: “A Window into History: The Mystery of the Cellar Window” 

    Selection assessment/ Close Reading companion

    Individual rotation model


    NoRedInk: Kinds of Pronouns


    Daily language

    Spelling Test

    Vocabulary quiz

    Grammar quiz

    Weekly Test

    Formal online learning

    ConnectEd online assessment center: collects data

    SpellingCity: Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar

    NoRedInk: Grammar 

    Download: Wonders_Grade_5__U4_W2_.pdf

    Into The Book

    Week 3

    Learning Path

    Day #


    BlendEd Model



    Daily language/ 5 A day language

    Building Background: Take Action

    Introduce Vocabulary: Words in Context

    Small group: Fluency practice

    Close Read: “Frederick Douglass: Freedom’s Voice”

    Worksheet: practicing skills and strategies in the story

    Enriched- virtual model

    Rotation model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Practice vocabulary

    Small group: leveled readers

    Informational text

    Summarize: Into A Book website

    Enriched- virtual model

    Rotation model

    Into a Book:



    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Phonics: Homographs

    Prefixes and Suffixes

    Small group: leveled readers

    Close Read: Rosa

    Close Reading companion/ Selection assessment

    Flex model


    Quizlet Live

    Prefix and suffixes: Matching game


    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Practice vocabulary

    Small group: Leveled readers

    Grammar: Pronoun-verb agreement

    Individual rotation model

    Pronoun verb agreement: IXL and NoRedInk


    Daily language

    Spelling Test

    Vocabulary quiz

    Grammar quiz

    Weekly Test

    Formal online learning

    ConnectEd online assessment center: collects data

    SpellingCity: Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar

    NoRedInk: Grammar 

    Download: Unit_4_Week_3_PearDeck.pdf

    Into The Book

    Week 4

    Learning Path

    Day #


    BlendEd Model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Building Background: Consider our resources

    Introduce vocabulary

    Small group

    Close Read: “Power from Nature” 

    Enriched- virtual model

    Rotation model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Context Clues game: Board game

    Small group: leveled readers

    Skill: Author’s point of view: Oktapodi  (Pixar short film and graphic organizer)

    Enriched- virtual model

    Rotation model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Summarizing task cards

    Small group

    Close Read “One Well” 

    Close Reading companion

    Flex model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Practice vocabulary: Quizlet

    Small group

    Grammar: Possessive Pronouns

    NoRedInk activity

    Individual rotation model



    Daily language

    Spelling Test

    Vocabulary quiz

    Grammar quiz

    Weekly Test 

    Formal online learning

    ConnectEd online assessment center: collects data

    SpellingCity: Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar

    NoRedInk: Grammar 

    Download: _U4_W4_Grade_5_Pear_Deck.pdf

    Week 5

    Learning Path

    Day #


    BlendEd Model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Building Background: Express Yourself

    Introduce vocabulary

    Small group

    Close Read: “How Do I hold the Summer?”  “Catching a Fly” and “When I Dance” 

    Enriched- virtual model

    Rotation model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Similes and Metaphor: Quizlet

    Small group: leveled readers

    Skill: Theme (Pixar short film: Fishing with Sam and complete graphic organizer) 

    Enriched- virtual model

    Rotation model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Figurative language task cards

    Small group

    Close Read “Words Free as Confetti” and “Dreams” 

    Close Reading companion

    Flex model

    Rotation model



    Daily language/ 5 A Day language

    Practice vocabulary: Quizlet

    Small group

    Grammar: Pronouns and Homophones

    NoRedInk activity

    Individual rotation model

    IXL and NoRedInk


    Daily language

    Spelling Test

    Vocabulary quiz

    Grammar quiz

    Weekly Test 

    Formal online learning

    ConnectEd online assessment center: collects data

    SpellingCity: Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar

    NoRedInk: Grammar

    Download: U4_W5_Wonders_Grade_5_Pear_Deck_Slides.pdf

    Week 6: Animal Research Project


    • Show students a book about an animal. Just focus on the cover -- don’t show them the inside of the book. 

    • Tell students that the book is about the animal. Ask them what types of information they think might be included in the book. List their ideas on the board.

    Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling 

    • Say, “Today we are going to research and write informational books about animals.”

    • Show students the animal books that you’ve collected. Depending on the technology that you have available, students can also conduct research online. 

    • Introduce the Tell About Animals LapBook.  Pick an animal to research and model how to complete the questions on the worksheet.

    Guided Practice: 

    • Now tell students that they will use their research to create an informational book about their animal.

    • Take out four pieces of paper. Tell students that they will write one section of their book on each page. The four sections will be: What My Animal Looks Like, What My Animal Eats, Where My Animal Lives, and Fun Facts.

    • Model how to plan for writing the words on the page. Show students how to consult their Tell About Animals worksheet to write the words in each section. 

    • Turn the worksheet over and explain to the students that writers include a closure at the end of their writing, something to "wrap up" what they wrote about. Write "These are the things I learned about ____." on the back of the worksheet. 

    • Complete the sentence stem by filling in an example animal.Reiterate that they should include a closing sentence on the back of their worksheets.

    Independent working time

    • Have students begin by researching an animal of their choice using the Tell About Animals LapBook by using at least one informational book (or online resource).

    • After their planning worksheet is complete, students can move onto planning and writing the words in their books.

    Differentiation Enrichment: 

    • Have students share their books with others, eliciting feedback from peers and revising their books accordingly.


    • Write sentence frames to guide students in creating each section of their book. For example, “The ____ lives in ____.”

    Technology Integration:

    • Have students conduct animal research online.


    • Assess students’ understanding by noticing how they complete their books. Pay attention to how students conduct research and use the information they learned when writing their books.


    • Extend this lesson by introducing digital tools to produce and publish an informative writing piece, such as Storybird or Tikatok. 

    • Allow students sufficient time to explore these digital tools with peers prior to publishing their writing. 

    • Instruct students to research another animal and include a topic sentence, at least three facts about their animal, and a sense of closure. 

    • Encourage students to find a photograph they like to print out and include on their writing piece as well as draw an illustration of their animal.

    • Set up a "Gallery Walk" with the student's published work at the end of the week and invite students to view their classmate's finished informative writing pieces!

    Review and closing: 

    • Have students share their books with partners. Call the class back together to share what they learned from reading each other’s books.

    • Remind students that informative writing has a topic, facts about the topic, and a sense of closure.

    • Close the lesson by asking students what other topics or animals they would like to research in the future!

    Small group time activities

    Unit 4 Skills Choice board: 

    Download: Unit_4_Skills_Choice_board_1.pdf


    Provide a list of resources 

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