Digital Citizenship - Crusader Jams: Website Creating

Digital Citizenship - Crusader Jams: Website Creating

Description of the Lesson


Students will be able to create a website showcasing their Crusader Jam artifacts and information following copyright rules.  

ISTE Standard

Digital Citizen: Students learn about, demonstrate and encourage respect for intellectual property with both print and digital media when using and sharing the work of others.

NE Standard

LA 10.4.2 Digital Citizenship: Students will practice the norms of appropriate and responsible technology use.

Rubric Used for Assessment

Rubric Used for Assessment

Download: Web_Site_Rubric_1nkFh7u.pdf

Example Student Artifact(s)

(There are 3 students in the class.)

Crusader Jam Document

  1. Sample 1 (Links to an external site.)
  2. Sample 2 (Links to an external site.)
  3. Sample 3 (Links to an external site.)


Student Websites

  1. Website 1 (Links to an external site.)
  2. Website 2 (Links to an external site.)
  3. Website 3 (Links to an external site.)

My website (Links to an external site.) where the sites are also available.

Lesson Design Reflection


I  will start out with a discussion about Crusader Jams.  I will ask them what they have done in the past to present and showcase their artifacts.  I will pull out papers and pretend that I am presenting a “Jam”. I will shuffle papers, stumble over technology, come off as a complete unorganized mess.  That is when we will talk about professionalism and ways to show that.  

Google Drawing

Download: DAS_-_Copyright_Crusader_Jams_High_Shcool.pdf


Introduction -  video about Copyright with discussion questions

Link for Video

Common Sense Media Resource - Copyrights and Wrongs (9-12)

Nearpod Presentation - Copyrights and Wrongs


Class Discussion

How can we legally obtain items to use in our projects?

What steps do we need to follow before using someone else’s work?

Do you know how to find copyright free images?  Let me show you.  For future reference (it’s old, but you will get the idea)

Do you know of any website that offer free images to use?  Let me show you a couple of my favorites. 

 The Noun Project 

 Flat Icon


Crusader Jam website

Student Handout

Download: DAS_-_website_instructions_Crusader_Jams.pdf

Project Rubric

Download: Web_Site_Rubric_loqQxjK.pdf


When students are done with their website, students will fill out the project rubric on their website and one of their peers. They will only fill out the part about Pictures/Graphics and Required Elements.  This will give them some extra practice looking for copyright issues.

Then we will share the website with each other in class.  I will also put their website on my school web page and tweet about their project.

Personal Reflection

This lesson was kind of an afterthought.  I had taught the lesson and went back and reworked with my students on this project.  I liked having the rubric in place the second time around. I also liked the extra guidance I was able to share with the students.  Next time around, I will give more of an emphasis on Copyright. I will also remind students that they need to make sure everything is “open” for anyone with the link to view.  

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