Empowered Learner: MS Music
Empowered Learner: 9th Grade PE
This Empower Learner Activity engages students in self-assessment, preliminary goal setting and reflection on use of learning strategies within the context of Middle School Music. In addition, there is also a choice board at the bottom that engages students in some degree of control over how they practices the Vocabulary and Skills taught. This activity was created by Lisa Delhay of Freeman Public Schools in association with the Nebraska ESUCC/NCSA BlendEd Pilot Project.
Content Area Skills
FA 12.4.2.c Perform (formally or informally) music of
greater complexity using accurate intonation,
expression, and stylistically correct interpretation of
phrasing, dynamics, and articulation.
Demonstrate appropriate performance expectations.
FA 12.4.3.d Connect music to historical and cultural
contexts, the arts (glossary), other disciplines, and life
experience through responding.
Digital Age Skills
Empowered Learner
Knowledge Constructor
Student Friendly Objectives:
I Can execute the music skills required.
I Can explain the background of this piece.