Persuasive Techniques & Rhetoric (Logos, Ethos, Pathos)

Persuasive Techniques & Rhetoric (Logos, Ethos, Pathos)Title and Description

Persuasive Techniques & Rhetoric (Logos, Ethos, Pathos) was developed by Jen Kastanek as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Special Project for BlendEd Best Practices.

Content Area Skill:

English 9-10

Digital Age Skill(s):

Creative Communicator

Duration of Unit:

15 +/- days

Overview of Unit:

In this unit, students will …

1. Define, identify, analyze, and effectively use four persuasive techniques. 

2. Define, identify, analyze, and effectively use persuasive rhetoric. 

3. Effectively use the writing process to create a persuasive essay and persuade the reader of their position on an established topic. 

4. Extend their knowledge of persuasive techniques and rhetoric to create a real-world multimedia product using or teaching persuasion.

Empower Learners:

Content Area Skills: Student Friendly Learning Objectives:
LA 10.1.6.c Analyze the function and critique the effects of the author‘s use of literary devices (e.g., simile, metaphor, personification, idiom, oxymoron, hyperbole, alliteration, onomatopoeia, analogy, dialect, tone, mood). I can examine and critique the author’s use of literary text. 
LA 10.1.6.f Interpret and evaluate information from print and digital text features to support comprehension. I can explain the meaning and evaluate the usefulness of the information provided by text features. 

LA 10.1.6.i Construct and/or answer literal, inferential, critical, and interpretive questions, analyzing and synthesizing evidence from the text and additional sources to support answers. I can ask and answer a variety of question types using evidence from the text and other sources. 

LA 10.1.6.k Select text for a particular purpose (e.g., answer a question, solve problems, enjoy, form an opinion, understand a specific viewpoint, predict outcomes, discover models for own writing, accomplish a task), citing evidence to support analysis, reflection, or research.


I can select a text for a specific purpose and cite evidence to support analysis, reflection, and research.

LA 10.2.2 Writing Modes: Students will write in multiple modes for a variety of purposes and audiences across disciplines. I can write in multiple modes for a variety of purposes and audiences using varied media and formats. 

LA 10.2.1 Writing Process: Students will apply the writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writing using correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other conventions of standard English appropriate for grade-level.


I can apply the writing process to create an effective, finalized piece of writing. 


Empower Learner Activity:

Detailed Description:

Stickers on the Wall: Objective options are listed on a large sticky pad on the wall. Students place their sticker at the appropriate level they feel describes them.  This is repeated after every learning step. (Image1 Image2  of the finished chart here).

Proficiency - Student Scale
example_1.JPGProficiency - Student Scale

Proficiency - Student Scale

Proficiency Detailed - Student Rate
example_2_Ue5jdin.JPGProficiency Detailed - Student Rate

Proficiency Detailed - Student Rate

Knowledge Application:

Artifact Profile:

Student made video or YouTube advertisement

Detailed Description:

Student(s) will create a video/flipped lesson/PowToon demonstrating understanding of persuasive techniques and persuasive rhetoric.

Students create an 8x10 poster/graphic with a QR code linked to their final artifact. Posters will be displayed and students will have the opportunity for a gallery walk to present their work. Observers can fill out a feedback form for three projects and a self-reflection form or Flipgrid. 

Download: Knowledge_Application_Template_-_LogosEthosPathos4CoreStrategies.pdf

Download: Gallery_Walk_Template.pdf

Persuasive Artifact Feedback Template
Persuasive_Artifact_Feedback_Template.pngPersuasive Artifact Feedback Template

Persuasive Artifact Feedback Template

Self-Reflection (Logos/Ethos/Pathos/4 Core Strategies)
Self-Reflection_LogosEthosePathos4Core_Strategies.pngSelf-Reflection (Logos/Ethos/Pathos/4 Core Strategies)

Self-Reflection (Logos/Ethos/Pathos/4 Core Strategies)

Content Area Skills Addressed:

10.1.5, 10.1.6, 10.2.2, 10.3.3

Digital Age Skills

Creative Communicator

Link to Rubric

Artifact Rubric
artifact_rubric.jpgArtifact Rubric

Artifact Rubric

Knowledge Deepening:

Task 1: Identifying Logos/Ethos/Pathos in TV Commercials\Print media (Station Rotation & Whole Group instruction)

Students view various television commercials and ID what rhetoric is being utilized in the commercial. Can be done as combination whole class or station rotation with each rotation viewing a link to a particular video (see Learning Path day 3-4 for details). Students can discuss various questions concerning the effectiveness of the commercials in small groups. Last station would be whole group to check understanding and provide self-reflection. (I do, we do, you do method) Tasks

Must Do’s:

Schmoop video - whole class discussion. 

Commercial examples Pathos, Pathos Ethos, Ethos Logos, Logos

Students must label and explain why for their choice of commercials. 

May Do’s:

Practice CCSS terms


See Learning Path day 3-4

Station Rotation group maker

Task 2: ID Logos, Ethos, Pathos in Speeches

Students use the playlist to practice annotating, identifying and analyzing the effectiveness of Logos, Ethos, and Pathos in speeches.  

Must Do’s:

Master ID in at least one speech with a 80% accuracy.

Complete analysis questions.

May Do’s:

Comprehension questions (individual or group) 

Dawkins Highlights

YouTube video

Link to Kid President video


Play List Menu

Download: Logos_Ethos_Pathos_4Core_Lesson_plan_Resource_Options.pdf

Task 3: ID 4Core Strategies in editorials

Introduce 4Core persuasive strategies. 

Must Do’s:

Master ID Logos, Ethos, Pathos with 90% mastery.

ID 4Core persuasive strategies correctly w/ 80% mastery. 

Complete Persuasive Techniques Test with 70%.


May Do’s:

Refer back to speeches in Task 2 to determine if 4Core strategies were used.



4Core Handout (front)

4Core handout (back)

Choice Board


Download: Editorial_Choice_Board.pdf

Direct Instruction:

Learning Path:

 Day #  Description  BlendEd Model Resources   

1. Canvas free write, discussion, reflection

2. Empower Learner chart 

3. Small groups (Activate prior knowledge - brainstorm differences among opinion/fact, argument, persuasive). Then use the handout to fill in learning gaps. Then, we will have whole group discussion.
Whole group rotation Large Post-It board, dots stickers

1. Define CCSS Terms - Whole Group instruction (notes)

 - Provide practice (WizerMe practice worksheet, Quizlet

 - Students must pass the matching test with 75% (many versions).       Retake until mastered.

Whole group instruction, independent practice CCSS terms

Introduce Logos, Ethos, Pathos

1. Schmoop video - whole class discussion

2.  I do. Commercial examples

 - Pathos, Pathos

 - Ethos, Ethos

 - Logos, Logos

3. TASK 1 (We do) - Small Group Station Rotation

 - View Super Bowl commercial compilations and determine logos, ethos, pathos.

 - Use magazines to determine logos, ethos, pathos in print ads.

 - Practice CCSS terms (see day 2)/Reflection w/teacher - empower learner chart(formative assessment).

Whole group, Station Rotation Variety of magazines w/ advertisements.
 5-7 TASK 2 -  ID Logos, Ethos, Pathos in Speeches

Students work through the playlist choices at own pace. Will conference after completion of choice. (formative assessment)

Flex Model Playlist

1.  Introduce 4Core persuasive strategies - handout. (front) (back)

2. Whole group modeling with essay

3. Using persuasive language - discussion/handouts

Whole group instruction

Flipped Lesson

Flipped Video

 9-11  TASK 3 - ID 4Core Strategies in editorials

1. DAY 1: (in pairs): students practice identifying 4Core strategies in choice of article (from choice board). Students MAY work together to find Core4 strategies from previous speeches.

2. DAY 2-3: (3 rotations):

 - Individual seatwork: students independently work on identifying 4Core strategies in the article of choice.

 - Practice/review CCSS terms with classmates.

 - Conference with Mrs. Kastanek (check work/progress/growth/formative assessment-empower learner chart).
Whole Group rotations/Station Rotations  Choice Board
 12  Assessment (summative assessment)   Test(s)
 13-15 Knowledge Application Artifact (summative assessment)   

(see Artifact Profile above)



See above.

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