TEESP - Elementary Spanish Level 2 Lessons 19 - 40
TEESP - Elementary Spanish Level 2 Lessons 19 - 40
Click here for link to: TEESP Program Curriculum Plan
Click here for link to: TEESP Goals and Standards Document
Click here for link to: TEESP Vocabulary List Levels 1- 6
Click here for link to: TEESP Curriculum Overview
Lesson 19: La familia
Objective & Progress Indicator
1b: Answer simple questions.
1c: Respond to simple requests.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1f: Respond to instructions.
4c: Identify and appreciate similarities
between cultures.
Target Vocabulary
- la familia = the family
- el padre = the father
- la madre = the mother
- el hermano = the brother
- la hermana = the sister
- el perro = the dog
Activities and Procedures
1. Play Podcast for Lesson 19.
2. Have students respond to directives given in podcast.
3. Ask questions about the students’ families. (See examples on Teacher Page.)
4. Listen to the stories or read a couple of stories from the Hola, Niños book. The stories
in the podcast ask the students to respond to some questions. Remind them to answer
only ‘Sí’ (yes) or ‘No’ (no). Or, assign a different action to ‘yes’ and ‘no’ and have
students respond only with the action. Example: Wave their hands in the air if the
answer is ‘yes,’ and stomp their feet once if the answer is ‘no.’
5. The story scripts are provided after the Teacher Page. Use the scripts to read aloud to
students, or have students read in groups or as a class.
6. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 5, pages 75 - 81.
- Pictures of families
- Books: En mi familia/In My Family or Cuadros de familia by Carmen Lomas Garza
Note to Teacher
- Additional vocabulary:
- el gato = cat
- el bebé = baby (boy)
- se llama = calls herself, himself
- tiene = has.
- The family name follows the phrase ‘la familia.’ So, ‘La familia Garza’ means ‘The Garza
family. - The stories at the end review vocabulary from Level 1:
- se llama – calls itself, or calls himself/herself
- tiene – has
- gato- cat
Lesson 20: Diego va a la escuela
Objective & Progress Indicator
1b: Answer simple questions.
1c: Respond to simple requests.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1f: Respond to instructions.
Target Vocabulary
- va a = goes to
- viene = comes
- la escuela = the school
Activities and Procedures
1. Preview target vocabulary with students. See Teacher Page for suggested gestures.
2. Review days of the week using a calendar, or a song from Sing, Dance, Laugh CD, or the Ole,
Ole, Ole CD.
3. Play Podcast. This podcast contains two stories. The second, longer story can be held as
review for a subsequent week.
4. At the end of the podcast is the chant: Diego va a la escuela, which reviews the story from the
lesson. This chant is also available in the TEESP Resources.
5. Have students complete one or both of the student pages. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
6. Read the story out loud to the students. Have students retell the story, changing animals. (See
Teacher Pages, and animal Spanish name list.
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 5, pages82 - 85
- Ole Ole Ole CD, Días de la semana song, or Sing, Dance, Laugh CD, Sábado song
- Diego va a la escuela, TEESP Resources Chants
Note to Teacher
- la maestra = means the teacher
- le dice = means she says to him
- con = with
- el lunes – on Monday
- el martes = on Tuesday
- el miércoles = on Wednesday
- el jueves = on Thursday
- el viernes = on Friday
- grande = large
- pequeño = small
- hámster = hamster
Lesson 21: ¿Quién lee el libro?
Objective & Progress Indicator
1b: Answer simple questions.
1c: Respond to simple requests.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1f: Respond to instructions.
Target Vocabulary
- el libro = the book
- lee = reads
- escribe = writes
Activities and Procedures
1. Preview target words for this lesson. Have students do gestures when they hear the
target words. See Teacher Page.
2. Talk about some favorite books. Ask personalized questions about books that students
read. See Teacher Page.
3. Play Podcast Lesson 21, pausing for students to act out ‘reads’ and ‘writes.’ There are 2
stories in this podcast. Stop the recording after the first story, and do an activity with
students. Use the 2nd story for a second session later, or as review.
4. Have student complete student page. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
5. Read the stories out loud to students as they act out the parts of Diego and Máximo.
6. Read additional stories from Hola, Niños, or retell the stories changing characters and
7. Sing a song, or listen to a rhyme from the TEESP Resources.
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Ninos, Unit 5, pages 86 - 90
Note to Teacher
- Review vocabulary:
- grande = large
- pequeño = small
- va a = goes to
- la escuela = school
- el gato loco = the crazy cat
Lesson 22: El cumpleaños
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a,: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1d: Identify visual clues.
2a: Recognize behaviors appropriate to
cultural setting in the family.
3b: Acquire information about Hispanic culture.
Target Vocabulary
- el tío – uncle
- la tía – aunt
- el abuelo – grandfather
- la abuela – grandmother
- el hijo – son (optional)
- la hija – daughter (optional)
Activities and Procedures
1. Talk about family relationships using your own or students’ family photos. (in English).
2. Podcast for Lesson 22 is a story about Elena’s birthday party.
3. Ask students about their families. See list of questions on teacher page.
4. After the birthday party story, is a short description of some of Elena’s family members.
Use only as students are interested or ready for more family members.
5. Listen to and sing the ‘La familia” song from Sing, Dance, Laugh CD, and Feliz
Cumpleaños from CD or using words on teacher page.
6. Have students complete Student Page with information about their own families, or a
fictional family from a favorite show or book. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 5, pages 86 - 90
- Pictures of families.
- Books by Carmen Lomas Garza, En mi familia/In My Family or Family Pictures/Cuadros
de Familia - Sing, Dance, Laugh CD “La Familia” song
Note to Teacher
New vocabulary:
le da = gives to her,
viene = comes,
cumpleaños = birthday,
miembros = members,
le gusta = she likes
la madre = mother,
el padre = father,
el hermano - brother,
la hermana = sister
Some plurals of family names can include both male and female members:
los hermanos = brothers and sisters OR brothers;
los hijos = children OR sons;
los abuelos = grandparents OR grandfathers;
los padres = parents;
los tíos = aunts and uncles OR uncles.
Lesson 23: Diego y el lápiz grande
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express basic descriptions.
1c: Respond to simple requests.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1f: Respond to appropriate instructions.
1h: Give a description using simple
1i: Illustrate main action of a story.
Target Vocabulary
- el lápiz = pencil
- camina = walks
- corre - runs
Activities and Procedures
1. Introduce the new target vocabulary. Have students do actions for the words ‘walks’ and ‘runs.’
2. Listen to the podcast. In this podcast, students will hear the story first. Then, they will be asked to
answer questions as they hear the story a second time.
3. Follow up: As students listen to final Spanish version of story have students act out story as they
hear it read to them.
4. Optional: Additional follow up song & game: On page 18 of De colores book are instructions for
the game to accompanying song. Play # 6 of De colores CD.
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 5, pages 98 - 104
- De Colores CD #6 Los elefantes and book
Note to Teacher
por eso = that’s why
grande = big
pequeño = small
el parque = the park
muy = very
Question words:
¿Quién? = Who?
¿Qué? = What?
Lesson 24:¿Dónde vive?
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Ask and answer simple questions.
2b: Identify common words that reflect the culture.
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other disciplines (geography).
Target Vocabulary
- mexicano, mexicana – Mexican
- estadounidense – U.S. citizen
- vive - lives
Activities and Procedures
1. Display a map with the United States and Mexico. Point to Nebraska. Ask students to
name the state they live in, and then the country. Show where Mexico is located. Explain
Mexico is a country, not a state. Help students gain an awareness of the world.
2. Review family members: brother, sister, grandfather.
3. Play Podcast Lesson 24. Pause if necessary, to review meaning of states and countries.
4. Connect to geography of the United States, and/or Nebraska. Discuss where students
have lived. Have students find the United States and Mexico on a globe.
5. On the Student Page, help students understand the questions at top right: What is your
name? How old are you? and Where do you live? (town, state, or country depending on
level of students. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 6, pages 105 - 111
- Pictures for Lesson 24
Note to Teacher
- Additional vocabulary:
- ¿Por qué? = why?
- porque = because
- una muchacha = a girl
- el hermano = brother
- la hermana = sister
- el abuelo = grandfather
- el perro = dog
The word ‘estadounidense’ refers to someone from the U.S.A. The word ‘americano’ which
is similar to the more common use of ‘American’ in the United States, actually can refer to
anyone from North or South America. It’s important to learn the specific word
“estadounidense’ to avoid confusion.
Lesson 25: ¿Quién es inglés?
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1c: Respond to simple requests.
1d: Identify visual and context clues.
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (Geography).
4a: Compare Spanish patterns to English.
Target Vocabulary
- francés, francesa – French
- inglés, inglesa – English
- alemán, alemana - German
Activities and Procedures
1. Discuss culture, food, places of interest, location about France, Germany, England.
2. Use maps or globe to find the countries and compare to the U.S.
3. Listen to Podcast 25. (This is a short podcast, so supplement with cultural and
factual information about the countries.)
4. Play flyswatter game (Instructions on Teacher Page.)
5. Have students complete the Student Page by coloring the flags. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 6, pages 111 - 117
- Pictures for Lesson 25
- Map of world
- Map or flag of France, England and Spain
- 2 flyswatters
Note to Teacher
- In Spanish, words for nationalities are not capitalized, and many have 2 forms: one when
referring to males and one for females. Example: John es francés. María es francesa. - se habla = is spoken,
- Inglaterra = England,
- Alemania = Germany,
- Francia = France
Lesson 26: ¿Cómo va?
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1c: Respond to simple requests.
1d: Identify visual and context clues.
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (Social Studies).
4b: Identify similarities and differences
between Spanish and U.S. culture.
Target Vocabulary
- el autobús – the bus
- el avión – the plane
- el coche (el carro) – the car
Activities and Procedures
1. Using the pictures or toys, discuss with students various means of transportation.
2. Use TPR (actions) to practice actions for each type of transportation (at least for the
target vocabulary.
3. Provide plain sheets of paper for students to make paper airplanes. (Directions are
translated on Teacher Page.
4. Listen to podcast. Pause as needed for students to complete actions.
5. Make copies of Student Page 1 and hand out to students. After the paper airplane
activity, the narrator in the podcast asks students to complete the student worksheet by
selecting an appropriate means of transportation for each location. There can be more
than one right answer. Help students select an appropriate response to each item.
Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
6. Provide extra practice by doing the activity described following the Teacher Page. Or,
retell the story with students, changing characters and destinations. Have students act
out the story.
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 6, pages 118 - 124
- Pictures of a bus, plane, car
- Toy buses, planes, cars
- Worksheet with 8 rows of the same picture of bus, plane and car
- Plain sheets of 8 x 11 paper for paper airplanes
Note to Teacher
- Additional vocabulary used:
- viejo = old
- nuevo = new
- tiene hambre = is hungry
- va para arriba = goes up
- va para abajo = goes down
Lesson 27: Habla
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express basic needs.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1c: Make and respond to simple requests.
1d: Identify visual and context clues.
1i: Illustrate main action of a story.
Target Vocabulary
- habla = speaks
- quiere ir = wants to go
- dice = says
- le dice = says to him, says to her
Activities and Procedures
1. Play Podcast for Lesson 27. Have students do the action or sound with the narrator.
2. Students can act out story from the podcast.
3. There are 2 Student Pages for this lesson. Page 1 has a short easy story for students to
read and illustrate. Page 2 has a longer story. If students have trouble reading the story
by themselves, read aloud with the class, or have them work in pairs. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
4. Students might also try writing a story about a dog or cat following the model for Loco.
Students can change names, and locations in the story.
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 6, pages 124 - 130
- Pictures of boys and girls talking, places they might want to go
Note to Teacher
Quotation marks are not always used in Spanish. Sometimes, dialogue is indicated using a
dash or brackets.
- Review words:
- tiene hambre = is hungry
- el lunes = on Monday
Lesson 28: Me gusta
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple likes and dislikes.
1b: Answer simple questions.
Target Vocabulary
- Me gusta = I like (It is pleasing to me)
- Te gusta = You like (It is pleasing to you)
Activities and Procedures
1. Play Podcast. There are several activities in this podcast. Pause as needed to check
student comprehension. Break lesson into 2 or more sessions.
2. Have students complete one or both Student Pages. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
3. Listen to and sing along with the rhyme and change listed above.
4. Personalize the lesson by asking students about things and activities they like and don’t
like. Use the Student Page(s) as a survey and create a graph based on the students’
5. Have students create and conduct a survey of other students/classes likes and dislikes.
Graph the results and post in the classroom.
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 6, pages 130 - 132
- Pictures of items that your students like and do not like
- Use rhyme from TEESP Resources: Las estaciones
- Use chant from TEESP Resources: Me gusta la clase de español
Note to Teacher
- No me gusta nada = I don’t like it at all.
Review of foods: - la manzana = the apple,
- el pan = the bread,
- la hamburguesa = the hamburger,
- la naranja = the orange,
- el queso = the cheese,
- la leche = the milk,
- el agua = water,
- el pollo = the chicken
Words from Extension Activity: - correr = to run,
- llorar = to cry,
- caminar = to walk,
- escribir = to write,
- leer = to read,
- hablar por teléfono = to talk on the phone,
- dormir = to sleep
Lesson 29: Ana tiene 36 flamingos
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express basic descriptions.
1b: Ask and answer simple questions.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1j: Retell a story.
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (Science)
Target Vocabulary
- treinta – 30
- cuarenta – 40
- cincuenta - 50
Activities and Procedures
1. Talk about pets or favorite animals.
2. Play Podcast for Lesson 29.
3. Practice numbers 1 - 50 with any activities or games you already use. See also examples
following Teacher Page.
4. Add new numbers to the song Las Cuentas to practice different numbers.
5. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 6, pages 133 - 134
- Pictures of animals or pets
- Rhymes from TEESP Resources: Dos pajaritos, Los animalitos
- Song from TEESP Resources: Las Cuentas
- Any games or activities for learning numbers
Note to Teacher
- una mascota = pet
- una granja = farm
- amable = friendly
- hoy=today
- vive = lives
- le gustan = he/she likes
- tienes = you have or do you have
- tengo = I have
- hay = there is or there are
- mira = look at
Lesson 30: Hace sol en el verano
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1i: Illustrate main actions of story.
2b: Identify common phrases that reflect
the culture.
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (science).
4a: Compare Spanish language patterns to
Target Vocabulary
- hace sol – it’s sunny
- el verano – the summer
- hace calor – it’s hot
Activities and Procedures
1. Discuss with students the season of summer. Talk about what it feels like, what they do
in the summer.
2. Play Podcast for Lesson 30.
3. Sing song from TEESP Resources, Song “¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?”
4. Have students complete the Student Page. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
5. Additional activity suggestions are listed on Teacher Page.
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 7, pages 137 - 143
- Pictures of summer weather
- TEESP Resources, Song “¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?”
- Ole, Ole, Ole CD, song “Canción del Tiempo”
Note to Teacher
- Other vocabulary used in podcast:
- la piscina = swimming pool
- camina = walks
- el árbol = tree
- su perro = her dog
- corre = runs
- corre tras = runs after, chases
- nadar = swim
- tiene = has
- tiene calor = is hot
- quiere = wants to
- buscan = look for
- duerme = sleeps
- debajo = under
- le gusta = likes
- verde = green
Lesson 31: Hace frío en el invierno
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1i: Illustrate main actions of story.
2b: Identify common phrases that reflect
the culture.
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (science).
4a: Compare Spanish language patterns to
Target Vocabulary
- hace frío – it’s cold
- el invierno – the winter
- nieva – snows, it’s snowing
Activities and Procedures
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, K-3, Unit 7, Pages 143 - 149
- Pictures of winter weather
- TEESP Resources, Song “¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?” and/or “Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies”
- Ole, Ole, Ole CD, song “Canción del Tiempo”
- Sing, Dance, Laugh and Eat Tacos CD, song “Mi hombre de nieve”
Note to Teacher
- el hombre de nieve = snowman,
- una bufanda = scarf,
- unas botas = boots,
- esquiar = skis (verb),
- los esquís = the skis (noun),
- ¡Es muy raro! = It’s very strange (rare)!
- Note: Nieva = Snows, or it’s snowing. La nieve means the snow.
Lesson 32: Hace fresco en el otoño
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1i: Illustrate main actions of story.
2b: Identify common phrases that reflect
the culture.
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (science).
4a: Compare Spanish language patterns to
Target Vocabulary
- hace fresco – it’s cool
- el otoño – the autumn
- hace viento – it’s windy
Activities and Procedures
1. Discuss with students the season of ‘fall’ or ‘autumn,’ and what activities we do in the
2. Play podcast for Lesson 32
3. Sing song from TEESP Resources Songs, or from CD.
4. Have students draw items that represent fall, or activities that take place in the fall.
(football, school starts, leaves falling, etc.)
5. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, K-3, Unit 7, Pages 150 - 156
- Pictures of fall weather
- TEESP Resources, Song “¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?” and “Las hojitas”
- Ole, Ole, Ole CD, song “Canción del Tiempo”
Note to Teacher
- Extra vocabulary:
- en el campo - in the country
- tiene - has
- mira a - looks at
- bonitas - pretty
- los árboles - the trees
- las hojas - the leaves
- grita - shouts
- bailan - dance
Lesson 33: ¿Llueve?
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1i: Illustrate main actions of story.
2b: Identify common phrases that reflect|
the culture.
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (science).
4a: Compare Spanish language patterns to
Target Vocabulary
- llueve - rain
- el paraguas - umbrella
- la primavera – spring (season)
Activities and Procedures
1. Discuss with students the season of spring, and what activities we do in the spring.
2. Play Podcast Lesson 33.
2. Show graphics with rain, umbrella, spring, etc.
3. Sing a song from TEESP Resources Songs, or from CD.
4. Discuss the season of ‘spring’. Have students draw a picture of springtime.
5. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, K-3, Unit 7, pages 156 - 157
- Graphics showing rain, umbrella and spring
- TEESP Resources, Song “¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?”
- Ole, Ole, Ole CD, song “Canción del Tiempo”
Note to Teacher
- Extra vocabulary:
- en el campo - in the country
- tiene - has
- mira a las flores - looks at the flowers
- bonitas - pretty
- hojas - leaves
- van a la escuela - go to school
- corren - run
- la maestra - the teacher
- hablan - talk
- comparte - shares
- hay - there are
Lesson 34: Los meses del año
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1i: Illustrate main actions of story.
4a: Compare Spanish language patterns
to English.
Target Vocabulary
- enero = January
- febrero February
- marzo = March
- abril = April
- mayo = May
- junio = June
- julio = July
- agosto = August
- septiembre = September
- octubre = October
- noviembre = November
- diciembre = December
Activities and Procedures
1. Review seasons, weather and months. Review colors.
2. The story at the beginning of the podcast shows the characters talking about which
season they like best and why. Ask students which season or month they like best. (See
Teacher Page for question samples.)
3. Play Podcast Lesson 34 story section. At the end of the story, the narrator asks “What
month does Gordo the cat like most? Have students suggest different answers and
explain why. After the story, the months and seasons are reviewed for pronunciation
practice. Use only as needed.
4. Show students seasonal graphics or months of the year.
5. Sing a song stressing the months of the year.
6. Have student complete the Student Page. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 7, pages 162 - 166
- Ole, Ole, Ole CD Song “Meses del Año”
- Pictures for months and seasons
Note to Teacher
Months and days are not capitalized in Spanish.
- Vocabulary in podcast:
- caminan - they walk
- nieva - it’s snowing
- la escuela - school
- lleva - wears
- un abrigo - overcoat
- esquiar - ski
- flores - flowers
- se ríen - they laugh
Lesson 35: Hace las maletas
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a,: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1c: Make and respond to questions.
1d: Identify visual and context clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1i: Illustrate the main action of a story.
2b: Identify common phrases.
4a: Compare Spanish language patterns to
Target Vocabulary
- hace las maletas = packs suitcases
- el traje de baño = swimsuit
- tiene calor = he/she is hot (feels hot)
Activities and Procedures
1. Review articles of clothing from past lessons (See Teacher Page).
2. Give each students a small suitcase or box and practice some of the actions from the
podcast (See Teacher Page).
3. Play Podcast Lesson 35 and follow directions given in the podcast.
4. Show graphics with various articles of clothing, or have a box with clothing for role
5. Sing a song about the beach or summer.
6. List items of clothing or other items (books, toothbrush) that students might pack for
trips to the beach or other destinations for vacation.
7. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 8, pages 167 - 172
- Small suitcase or box representing a suitcase
Note to Teacher
Note: In Spanish, to say that someone is hot or cold (feels hot or cold), the expression uses
‘tiene’ (has). ‘Tiene calor’ means ‘He/she is hot.’ ‘Tiene frío’ means ‘He/She is cold.’ To
say ‘I am hot/cold’ use ‘Tengo calor/frío.’
- Vocabulary:
- una toalla - towel
- la playa - beach
- cosas - things
- le dice - says to him/her
- dulces - candies
Lesson 36: Se pone la camisa.
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express basic needs, simple
1b: Ask and answer simple questions.
1c: Respond to simple requests.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1j: Retell a story.
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (Social Studies)
Target Vocabulary
- se pone = put on
- el vestido = the dress
- la camisa = the shirt
Activities and Procedures
1. Play Podcast for Lesson 36.
2. Have students mime putting on various articles of clothing as the teacher names them, or
says: “Se pone la camisa.” He/she puts on the shirt.
3. Have students draw which articles of clothing they might wear for different events: a
party, going to school, playing football, etc.
4. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 8, pages 172 - 177
- Pictures of various items of clothing (or actual clothing)
Note to Teacher
- Vocabulary:
- come = eats
Lesson 37: Tiene frío
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express basic needs, simple
1b: Ask and answer simple questions.
1c: Respond to simple requests.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1j: Retell a story.
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (Math)
Target Vocabulary
- tiene frío = is cold
- el abrigo = coat
- compra = buys
Activities and Procedures
1. Review weather expressions and clothing items.
2. Play Podcast for Lesson 37.
3. Discuss weather related conditions; and clothing appropriate to seasons.
4. Have student practice buying various items using play dollars and coins.
5. Click on Link: Level 2: Student Pages
Extension: Use a currency converter (https://www1.oanda.com/currency/converter/) to have
students calculate the cost of common items in Euros, pesos, etc.
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 8, pages 177 - 182
- TEESP Resources Chants “¿Cuánto cuesta?”
Note to Teacher
- va a = goes to
Lesson 38: La maestra trae una maleta
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Ask and answer questions.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1h: Give description using simple
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (Geography).
Target Vocabulary
- trae - carries, brings
- no trae – doesn’t carry, bring
- se quita – takes off
- los pantalones - the pants
Activities and Procedures
1. Play Podcast Lesson 38 and follow directions given in the podcast.
2. Show graphics with clothing.
3. Play a travel game, or have students draw the articles of clothing they would take on
trips. Teacher can suggest various locations that would require different types of clothing,
such as Alaska, or Florida.
4.Click the Link: Lesson 38 Student Page
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 8, pages 183 - 188
- Suitcase or box representing a suitcase
- Clothing (or pictures) including pants, swim suit
Note to Teacher
- If possible, have student stand and pretend to carry a suitcase, or pack a suitcase with
clothing items. - Some colors are used in this lesson.
Lesson 39: ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Ask and answer questions.
1d: Identify visual clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1h: Give description using simple
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (math).
Target Vocabulary
- cuesta = costs
- los zapatos = the shoes
- la chaqueta = the jacket
Activities and Procedures
1. Review numbers 1 - 50.
2. Review clothing items: camisa, pantalones, sombrero. (shirt, pants, hat)
3. Talk about going shopping and buying clothing.
4. Watch podcast 39.
5. Sing song from TEESP Resources Chants, “¿Cuánto cuesta?
6. Have students participate in a simulation, buying items from a store using play money
and clothing props.
7. Click the Link: Lesson 39 Student Page
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 8, pages 188 - 194
- If available, articles of clothing, or more pictures of clothing
- TEESP Resources Chants “¿Cuánto cuesta?
Note to Teacher
Note on verbs: cuesta means it costs, cuestan means they cost.
Example: La camisa cuesta $5. Los pantalones cuestan $10.
Lesson 40: ¿Qué hora es?
Objective & Progress Indicator
1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues.
1e: Respond to appropriate narratives.
1g: Give description using simple
3a: Reinforce knowledge of other
disciplines (telling time)
Target Vocabulary
- ¿Qué hora es? – What time is it?
- Es la una. – It is one o’clock.
- Son las dos. – It is two o’clock.
Activities and Procedures
1. Review telling time in English.
2. Play Podcast for Lesson 40.
3. Use class clocks, if available, for students to practice various times.
4. Click the Link: Lesson 40 Student Page
Suggested Additional Resources
- Hola, Niños, Unit 8, pages 195 - 197
- Clocks for practice
- TEESP Resources Rhymes, “El reloj”
Note to Teacher
Use lesson as appropriate for grade level of students. Use basic clock times (on the hour,
3:00, 4:00) for beginning practice.
- le dice = says to him/her
- el reloj = clock