Calculus Sequences and Series
Course Resources
Textbook: Calculus, by Gilbert Strang, is available through MIT OpenCourseWare at the following link:
Exercises: The exercises below correspond to section numbers in the textbook.
Course Information
Course Description: This course is a brief introduction to sequences and infinite series. We begin with a discussion of power series and develop tests for convergence and non-convergence. Taylor series are introduced and lead to an analysis of power series in general. This is a 1-credit course that can be taken any time after the student has completed Calculus I.
Required Texts: Chapter 10 of Calculus by Strang. Freely available from MIT.EDU. Copies will be provided.
Technology Requirements: This course is technology intensive. Access to and proficiency in the use of advanced computation technology is required. The highest recommended is SCILAB or Octave, (freely available on the internet). Other substitutes in order are: MATLAB, spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel, and graphing calculator. Please ask my advice before purchasing any expensive item.
Purpose of the Course: MAT204 expands the portion of Calculus II that deals with sequences and series.
Instructional Objectives: To enable the student to use techniques in dealing with infinitely large number of mathematical terms.
Student Learning Outcomes: By fully participating in this course, you should be able to:
1. determine convergence or divergence of a given series
2. produce Taylor series for some elementary functions
3. determine the interval of convergence for power series
Instructional Methods and Procedures: I prepare myself to run interactive classes with as little lecture as possible. Students should also be prepared to work in class. I keep telling my students that if I do all the work, I get better at the subject! I also try to include group work when I deem appropriate.
Brief Teaching Philosophy: Students who are involved in their learning activities understand better and retain the materials longer. Own your learning.
Grading: There will be a test every four weeks and a final exam. The lower of the first two tests will be ignored.
Percentages for Final Course Grade:
Activity | Homework | Participation | 1st/2nd test | 3rd test | 4th test | Final exam | Total |
Points | 15 | 20 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 30 | 100 |
Required Assignments: Weekly assignments will be collected. There will be more discussion in class.
Academic Policies and Procedures
Respect for Class Policy: I respect my students and I expect that students respect the class. Cell Phone Ringing, other sound or speaking that disturbs the class will affect the class participation portion of the final grade.
Attendance Policy: Students are expected to exhibit sufficient interest in their studies to attend every class. No more than the equivalent of two weeks of absences will be allowed. There will be no make-ups for missed work or examinations. If you must miss a class due to religious reasons or other reasons protected by law or RCC policy, please notify the instructor two weeks ahead of time, so you can hand your work in early .You are responsible for material covered in any class that you do not attend. If you miss a class, you must contact a classmate or refer to the schedule in this syllabus for the missed information.
Electronics Policy: Important: Use of unauthorized technology will result a zero for the activity, either test or class work to be handed in. You should seek my authorization before using any technology including mobile phones. Please find out what technology (calculator, etc.) is recommended for your major and bring it in every class to master its use. Please ask my advice before purchasing any expensive item.
Electronic Submissions: Instruction will accompany each individual assignment.
Late Work: I will not accept late work.
Coursework Difficulties: Please discuss any issues that you are having in completing the coursework on time with me. I am available to meet with you during my regular office hours and by appointment.
Incomplete Policy: Incomplete grade is only allowed under some catastrophic issue circumstances. Please contact me immediately.
Student Code of Conduct
Students are required to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct delineated in the Roxbury Community College website and Student Handbook:
Roxbury Community College is committed to providing all qualified college students equal access to all programs and facilities. Students who have a documented physical, psychological, or learning disability and need academic accommodations must register with the Coordinator of Disability Services, Linda O’Connor. Please contact her in Room 207C in the Academic Building; email; or phone 617-708-3562.
Disability Services will provide you with an Accommodation Letter to provide to faculty. You need to present and discuss these recommendations with me within a reasonable period, prior to the end of the Drop/Add period.
Student Support Services
RCC offers a range of student support services including Advising, Tutoring, Math Clinic, Health Services, Library, Writing Center and Language Lab. Visit the RCC website for more information:
Topics Schedule
Students of this course arrive with varying preparedness. The topic table below is tentative and will almost certainly be modified.
Week | Topics | Reading |
1 | Numeric and non-numeric sets and sequences. | Handout |
2 | Convergence of numeric sequences | Handout |
3 | Finite series: arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, area under the graph | 10.1 |
4 | Infinite series and their convergence: area under a graph | Handout |
5 | Infinite series and their convergence: area under a graph | 10.2 |
6 | Regression series as approximations to data | Handout |
7 | Regression series as approximations to data | Handout |
8 | Power series and their convergence | 10.2 |
9 | Other convergence tests | 10.3 |
10 | Other convergence tests | 10.3 |
11 | Taylor series | 10.4 |
12 | Taylor series | 10.4 |
13 | Taylor series | 10.4 |
14 | Applications and review | |
Final exam |