TEESP Level 4 - Lessons 47 - 52

Spanish TEESP Level 4 - Lessons 47 - 52

Click here for link to: TEESP Program Curriculum Plan 

Click here for link to: TEESP Goals and Standards Document

Click here for link to: TEESP Vocabulary List Levels 1- 6

Click here for link to: TEESP Curriculum Overview

Lesson 47: Story 1 - La muchacha traviesa

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • traviesa - naughty, mischi
  • se sienta - sits down
  • el pupitre - desk

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce traviesa, se sienta.

2. Review days of the week, salta, abre, la mano, un ratón, grita.

3. Listen to the podcast. This story asks students to answer questions after each statement.
Then the whole story is told at the end. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher
Pages, and the text of the story with English translation is on the last page of this
Lesson Plan.

Lesson 47 Story 1 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 62 - 70

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • engaña - tricks, 
  • salta - jumps, 
  • no le gusta - doesn’t like, 
  • la mano - hand, 
  • abre - opens, 
  • grita - yells, 
  • un ratón - mouse, 
  • engaña - tricks

Lesson 47: Story 2 - El gato travieso

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • la clase - class
  • se sienta - sits down
  • toma - takes

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce la clase, se sienta, toma, el chicle, lo pone.

2. Review gato, travieso, pone, dice, grita.

3. Listen to the podcast. This story asks students to answer questions after each statement.
Then the whole story is told at the end. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher
Pages, and the text of the story with English translation is on the last page of this
Lesson Plan.

Lesson 47 Story 2 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 62 - 70

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • entra - enters 
  • el pupitre - desk 
  • mochila - backpack 
  • lo pone - puts it 
  • dice - says 
  • gato - cat 
  • entonces - then 
  • la maestra - teacher 
  • gritan - shout, yell 
  • tú eres muy travieso - you are very naughty

Lesson 48: Story 1 - El control curioso

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • el control remoto - remote control
  • se prende - turns on
  • se apaga - turns off

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce se apaga, se prende, la tele, el refrigerador, el garaje.

2. Review sonríe, llora.

3. Listen to the podcast. This story asks students to answer questions after each statement.
Then the whole story is told at the end. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher
Pages, and the text of the story with English translation is on the last page of this
Lesson Plan.

Lesson 48 Story 1 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 71 - 79

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • le gusta - likes 
  • mirar - watch 
  • usa - uses 
  • cuando - when 
  • la puerta - door
  • deja caer - lets fall 
  • se abre - opens 
  • se cierra - closes

Lesson 48: Story 2 - El perro triste

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • el garaje - the garaje
  • ¡Qué curioso! - How curious!

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce el garaje, ¡Qué curiouso!

2. Review una casa, se prende, las luces, triste, sale, vive.

3. Listen to the podcast. This story asks students to answer questions after each statement.
Then the whole story is told at the end. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher
Pages, and the text of the story with English translation is on the last page of this
Lesson Plan.

Lesson 48 Story 2 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 71 - 79

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • sale - leaves 
  • vive - lives 
  • una casa - house 
  • las luces - lights 
  • triste - sad 
  • el perro - dog

Lesson 49: Story 1 - Un premio curioso

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing
2d: Identify some traditional products

Target Vocabulary

  • los jueces - the judges
  • competencia de baile - the dance contest
  • el premio - the prize

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce los jueces, una competencia, el baile, el premio.

2. Review participan, una pareja, dicen, various dances.

3. Listen to the podcast. This story asks students to answer questions after each statement.
Then the whole story is told at the end. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher
Pages, and the text of the story with English translation is on the last page of this
Lesson Plan.

Lesson 49 Story 1 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page 

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 80 - 87

Note to Teacher

Dances named in story: el tango, la samba, la salsa, el valtz (waltz)

Review words:

  • dicen - says, 
  • baila - dances, 
  • pareja - pair, 
  • montón - mountain, 
  • ¿Cuál? - Which?

Lesson 49: Story 2 - Una competencia de comer

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • ¡Qué talento! - What talent!
  • gana - wins

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce gana, ¡Qué talento!

2. Review un gato, un perro, un ratón, un cocodrilo, come, comienza, termina.

3. Listen to the podcast. This story asks students to answer questions after each statement.
Then the whole story is told at the end. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher
Pages, and the text of the story with English translation is on the last page of this
Lesson Plan.

Lesson 49 Story 2 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 80 - 87

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • come - eats 
  • comienza - begins 
  • termina - ends 
  • perro - dog 
  • gato - cat 
  • ratón - mouse 
  • cocodrilo - crocodile 
  • premio - prize 
  • botella - bottle

Lesson 50: Story 1 - El tigre hace viaje

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • hace planes - makes plans
  • hace maletas - packs suitcases
  • se despide - says goodbye

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce hace planes, hace maletas, se despiden.

2. Review un tigre, el cocodrilo, vive, gato.

3. Listen to the podcast. This story asks students to answer questions after each statement.
Then the whole story is told at the end. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher
Pages, and the text of the story with English translation is on the last page of this
Lesson Plan.

Lesson 50 Story 1 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 88 - 96

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • gato - cat, 
  • vive - lives, 
  • Buen viaje - Have a good trip, 
  • llega - arrives, 
  • triste - sad, 
  • sube - get onto.

Lesson 50: Story 2 - Una vaca hace viaje a la luna

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • ¡Buen viaje! - Have a good trip!
  • practica - practices
  • un barco de vela - a sailboat

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce Buen viaje, practica.

2. Review la vaca, dice, la luna, llega, hace maletas.

3. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan.

Lesson 50 Story 2 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 88 - 96

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • perro - dog 
  • llega - arrives 
  • dice - says 
  • hace maletas - packs suitcases
  • una competencia - contest 
  • baila - dances 
  • canta - sings

Lesson 51: Story 1 - Un chico loco

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • se choca con - runs into
  • muerde - bites
  • tiene mucho miedo - is very scared
  • ¡Socorro! - Help!
  • se hunde - sinks

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce se choca con, muerde, tiene mucho miedo, se hunde.

2. Review va, una gorila, sale, enojado, corre.

3. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan.

Lesson 51 Story 1 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page 

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 97 - 104

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • corre - runs 
  • sale - leaves 
  • enojado - angry 
  • grita - yells 
  • un lago - a lake

Lesson 51: Story 2 - La chica y un tiburón

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • navega - sails (navigates)
  • el mar - the sea
  • bucea - dives
  • el tiburón - the shark

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce navega, bucea, el tiburón.

2. Review se choca con, se despide, le da, le dice, muerde, tiene miedo.

3. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan.

Lesson 51 Story 2 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 97 - 104

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • se choca con - runs into
  • le dice - says to or tells 
  • le da - gives 
  • muerde - bites 
  • regresa - returns

Lesson 52: Story 1 - ¡El bebé es Superman!

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • de repente - suddenly
  • estornuda - sneezes
  • sube - rises (goes up, climbs)
  • vuela - flies
  • se cae - falls down

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce estornuda, sube, vuela, se cae.

2. Review el gato, el bebé, leche, bebe.

3. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan.

Lesson 52 Story 1 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 105 - 112

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • llora - cries 
  • salta - jumps 
  • tiene miedo - is afraid 
  • lo pone - puts him 
  • una vez más - again 
  • esta vez - this time 
  • dice - says 
  • bebe - drinks

Lesson 52: Story 2 - La bebé no vuela

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • el avión - the airplane
  • la isla - the island
  • ¡Qué alivio! - What a relief!
  • ¡Qué suerte! - How lucky! (What luck!)

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce el avión, la isla, ¡Qué alivio!

2. Review vuela, familia, vive, se cae, el mar, sube.

3. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan.

Lesson 52 Story 2 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages. Click the Link: Level 4 Student Page 

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 105 - 112

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • se cae - falls 
  • vuela - flies 
  • el mar - the sea 
  • otra vez - again 
  • decide -decides
  • va - goes 
  • dice -says 
  • otra - another 
  • ve - sees
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