Elementary Spanish - Level 6 - Lesson 59 - Sharkie está de vacaciones

TEESP Level 6 - Lessons 59 - 65

Click here for link to: TEESP Program Curriculum Plan 

Click here for link to: TEESP Goals and Standards Document

Click here for link to: TEESP Vocabulary List Levels 1- 6

Click here for link to: TEESP Curriculum Overview

Lesson 59: Story 1 - Sharkie está de vacaciones

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1h: Give descriptions
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • la prensa - the press
  • el fotógrafo/la fotógrafa - photographer
  • saca una foto – takes a photo

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce saca una foto, el periodista, el fotógrafo, la fotógrafa.

2. Review trabaja, buscar, vive, dice, triste, cansado.

3. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan.

Lesson 59 Story 1 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages.

7. Extra stories are provided for reading practice after Teacher Page.

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 159 - 166

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • el periodista - reporter
  • trabaja - works 
  • está de vacaciones - is on vacation
  • invierno - winter 
  • tiene - has 
  • saben - know 
  • salvó - save 
  • habla con- speaks with 
  • buscar - looks for 
  • llegan - arrives 
  • se ponen - put on 
  • se ponen a buscar - set out to look for
  • preguntan - ask 
  • conoce - is acquainted with
  • vive - lives
  • emocionados - excited
  • nadan - swim
  • un letrero - a sign 
  • triste - sad 
  • cansado - tired 
  • se sentirá - will feel 
  • fui - I went

Lesson 59: Story 2 - La enfermedad de Sharkie

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1h: Give a description
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • la amnesia – amnesia
  • recuerda – remembers
  • nada – nothing

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce recuerda, se siente, no sabe.

2. Review vive, decide, va, se encuentra, tiene, saca fotos.

3. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan.

Lesson 59 Story 2 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages.

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 159 - 166

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • vive - lives 
  • decide pasar - decides to spend 
  • va - goes 
  • se encuentra muy confundido - finds him confused
  • no sabe - does not know
  • nada - nothing
  • preocupado - worried
  • le hace mil preguntas - ask a thousand questions 
  • llevar - to take
  • llevar - arrive
  • contestar - answer

Lesson 60: Story 1 - ¿Qué le pasa al médico?

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • el médico o la médica – doctor
  • escucha – listens
  • el corazón – the heart

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce escucha, el corazón.

2. Review van de pesca, cae, salva, lleva, tiene miedo, tiene frío, dice.

3. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan.

Lesson 60 Story 1 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages.

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 167 - 174

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • pescan - they fish 
  • cae - falls 
  • salva - saves 
  • lo lleva - carry him or take him
  • tiene miedo - is afraid
  • tiene frío - is cold 
  • dice - says 
  • latiendo - beating (heart)

Lesson 60: Story 2 - ¿Qué pasa con su corazón?

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • saca un rayo-equis – takes an x-ray
  • está sorprendido – is surprised
  • saca – takes

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce saca, está sorprendido.

2. Review escuchar, dice, está preocupado.

3. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan.

Lesson 60 Story 2 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages.

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 167 - 174

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • cayó - fell
  • va - goes 
  • no puede escuchar - can’t hear 
  • dice - says 
  • revisa - reviews 
  • ¡Qué extraño! - How strange! 
  • está preocupado - is worried
  • de pronto - suddenly
  • nota - notes
  • tiene - has
  • oídos - ears
  • cuello - neck
  • ahora - now

Lesson 61: Story 1 - El elefante con suerte

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories

Target Vocabulary

  • conoce - to know a person
  • aprende - learns
  • baila - dances

Activities and Procedures

1. Use TPR to introduce conoce, aprende, baila.

2. Review decide, practica, le dice, jugar al béisbol, canta.

3. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan.

Lesson 61 Story 1 Podcast

4. Retell the story, or ask questions based on the story.

5. Have students read the story together or in groups. Students may substitute other
vocabulary words as they retell the story.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages.

7. Play Lotería using the pages included, or your own version. (See teacher guide page.)

Suggested Additional Resources

Note to Teacher

In this lesson, the character Eduardo asks direct questions of students after giving examples
of responses. Hints appear in the podcast to help students respond.

  • Review words: 
  • le dice - says to him or her
  • decide - decides
  • jugar - to play
  • canta - sings
  • ambicioso - ambitious
  • tiene 15 años - has 15 years/is 15 years old 
  • como ser famoso - how to be famous 
  • todo el día - all day
  • toda la noche - all night 
  • ni - nor
  • una periodista - reporter

Lesson 61: Story 2 - Eduardo escribe una carta

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • bailé - I danced
  • no aprendé - I didn’t learn
  • practiqué - I practiced
  • la semana pasada - last week

Activities and Procedures

1. This lesson works with the past tense of the target verbs from Story 1. Help students
understand the difference between I visit and I visited.

2. Check for student understanding of questions at end of story. They should respond with
‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

3. Review the target vocabulary listed above.

4. Listen to the podcast. A script of the podcast follows the Teacher Pages, and the text of
the story with English translation is on the last page of this Lesson Plan. An extra story
is recorded at the end of the podcast. This story is audio only without pictures. Use only
as students are ready. The story script and translations are provided on pages 9 & 10.

Lesson 61 Story 2 Podcast

5. As needed, stop the story to check student understanding.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages.

7. Read additional stories with students (as a class or in groups) being sure to check for

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 175 - 181

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • decide - decides
  • quiere decirle - wants to tell him/her
  • escribir - write
  • una carta - a letter
  • la semana pasada - last week

Use of past tense verbs: quería ser - he wanted to be

Lesson 62: Story 1 - Todos tienen hambre

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • hace un picnic - has a picnic
  • la comida - food, meal
  • ¡Qué disgusto! - How disappointing!
  • la playa - beach

Activities and Procedures

1. Check for student understanding of questions at end of story. They should respond with
‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

2. Review the target vocabulary listed above.

3. Listen to the podcast.

Lesson 62 Story 1 Podcast

4. As needed, stop the story to check student understanding.

5. Have students complete the Student Pages.

6. Read additional stories with students (as a class or in groups) being sure to check for

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 182 - 190

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • le da - give him or gives her
  • ve - sees
  • sale - leaves
  • me gusta - I like
  • abre - opens
  • un paquete - package
  • miles - thousands
  • caracoles - snails
  • viscosos - slimy

Lesson 62: Story 2 - Mi día en la playa

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • yo fui - I went
  • tuve - I had
  • yo vi - I saw
  • yo le di - I gave to him or her
  • me dió - he or she gave me

Activities and Procedures

1. This lesson works with the past tense of the target verbs from Story 1. Help students
understand the difference between ‘I see’ and ‘I saw.’ Also, the story uses first person as
well as third person forms, Example: ‘yo le di’ for ‘I gave to him/her’ and ‘me dió’ for
‘he/she gave me.’

2. Check for student understanding of questions at end of story. They should respond with
‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

3. Review the target vocabulary listed above.

4. Listen to the podcast. This story is based on Story 1 and is told in the past tense as the
character writes a letter about what he did last week.

Lesson 62 Story 2 Podcast

5. As needed, stop the story to check student understanding.

6. Have students complete the Student Pages.

7. Read additional stories with students (as a class or in groups) being sure to check for

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 182 - 190

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • la playa - beach
  • hacer un picnic - have a picnic
  • tenía hambre - was hungry
  • me dijo - said to me
  • grité - I shouted
  • miles - thousands
  • se fue - went away

Lesson 63: Story 1 - ¿Qué huele?

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • huele - smells
  • no aguanta más - can’t stand any more
  • un zorillo joven - a young skunk
  • precioso - cute

Activities and Procedures

1. Check for student understanding of questions at end of story. They should respond with
‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

2. Review the target vocabulary listed above.

3. Listen to the podcast.

Lesson 63 Story 1 Podcast

4. As needed, stop the story to check student understanding.

5. Have students complete the Student Pages.

6. Read additional stories with students (as a class or in groups) being sure to check for

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 191 - 198

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • encuentra - finds
  • lleva - carries or takes
  • se duerme - goes to sleep
  • bien criado - well-behaved
  • la cama - bed 
  • ¡Fuchi! - Ew! 
  • mi mascota - my pet 
  • bañarse - bathe
  • se da cuenta - realizes

Lesson 63: Story 2 - ¿Precioso o peligroso?

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • ¡Qué peligro! - How dangerous!
  • el joven, la joven - young person, teenager
  • joven - young
  • captura - he captures
  • capturé - I captured
  • se da cuenta - realizes
  • empuja - pushes
  • tropieza - trips

Activities and Procedures

1. Check for student understanding of questions at end of story. They should respond with
‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

2. Review the target vocabulary listed above.

3. Listen to the podcast.

Lesson 63 Story 2 Podcast

4. As needed, stop the story to check student understanding.

5. Have students complete the Student Pages.

6. Read additional stories with students (as a class or in groups) being sure to check for

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 191 - 198

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • una finca - a farm
  • un primo - cousin 
  • cerca de - near
  • se cae - falls
  • lleva - carries, takes

Lesson 64: Story 1 - El dragón se despierta

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • se despierta - wakes up
  • el ruido - noise
  • el techo - ceiling
  • ¡Increíble! - Unbelievable!

Activities and Procedures

1. Check for student understanding of questions at end of story. They should respond with
‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

2. Review the target vocabulary listed above.

3. Listen to the podcast.

Lesson 64 Story 1 Podcast

4. As needed, stop the story to check student understanding.

5. Have students complete the Student Pages.

6. Read additional stories with students (as a class or in groups) being sure to check for

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 199 - 205

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • un cueva - a cave
  • duerme - sleeps
  • una cama - a bed 
  • otra vez - again
  • de repente - suddenly 
  • sale - leaves
  • choca con una piedra - hits his head on a rock 
  • apagan - they turn off

Lesson 64: Story 2 - La maestra que duerme

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing

Target Vocabulary

  • flota - floats
  • el techo - ceiling
  • descubren - they find

Activities and Procedures

1. Check for student understanding of questions at end of story. They should respond with
‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

2. Review the target vocabulary listed above.

3. Listen to the podcast.

Lesson 64 Story 2 Podcast

4. As needed, stop the story to check student understanding.

5. Have students complete the Student Pages.

6. Read additional stories with students (as a class or in groups) being sure to check for

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 199 - 205

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • duerme - sleeps
  • se enoja - gets angry 
  • sale - leaves
  • apagan - they turn off
  • nadie mueven - nobody moves 
  • tienen miedo - they are afraid
  • se ríe - laughs

Lesson 65: Story 1 - El pastel feo

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions
1b: Answer simple questions
1d: Identify visual and context clues
1d: Respond to oral narratives
1f: Respond to commands
1g: Prepare illustrated stories
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing
2a: Recognize behaviors appropriate to
2b: Identify common words that reflect
the culture.
4b: Identify similarities and differences in

Target Vocabulary

  • está emocionado - excited
  • charla - chats, talks
  • se divierte - has fun
  • ¡No puede ser! - It can’t be. (No way!)

Activities and Procedures

1. Check for student understanding of questions at end of story. They should respond with
‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

2. Review the target vocabulary listed above.

3. Listen to the podcast.

Lesson 65 Story 1 Podcast

4. As needed, stop the story to check student understanding.

5. Have students complete the Student Pages.

6. Read additional stories with students (as a class or in groups) being sure to check for

7. Read about the cultural connections of La Quinceañera in Mexico or the U.S. This is an
important event in many Hispanic families to celebrate the 15th birthday of a daughter.

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 206 - 212

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • amable - friendly 
  • sus padres - her parents
  • ¡Qué alivio! - What a relief!
  • rizado - curly
  • su pelo - her hair
  • emocionada - excited
  • se da cuenta de - realizes
  • tarde - late
  • las bocas abiertas - open mouths
  • escrito - written 
  • compró - he bought

Lesson 65: Story 2 - La quinceañera de Lupe

Objective & Progress Indicator

1a: Express simple descriptions.
1b: Answer simple questions.
1d: Identify visual and context clues.
1d: Respond to oral narratives.
1f: Respond to commands.
1g: Prepare illustrated stories.
1i: Retell stories orally or in writing.
2a: Recognize behaviors appropriate to
2b: Identify common words that reflect
the culture.
4b: Identify similarities and differences in

Target Vocabulary

  • estaba emocionada - was excited
  • me puse - I put on
  • charlaron - they chatted
  • se divirtieron - they enjoyed themselves

Activities and Procedures

1. Check for student understanding of questions at end of story. They should respond with
‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

2. Review the target vocabulary listed above.

3. Listen to the podcast. This story is based on Story 1 and is told in the past tense.

Lesson 65 Story 2 Podcast

4. As needed, stop the story to check student understanding.

5. Have students complete the Student Pages.

6. Read additional stories with students (as a class or in groups) being sure to check for

Suggested Additional Resources

  • ¡Cuéntame!, pages 206 - 212

Note to Teacher

Review words:

  • me sentí - I felt
  • había - there were 
  • se olvidó - she forget 
  • cumpleaños - birthday 
  • quinceañera - 15th birthday
  • les digo - I tell you

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