Create a flyer with a table using Microsoft Word
Lesson Topic: Create your own flyer and include a table using Microsoft Word
Lesson Description: After completing lesson on creating a flyer and a table, the students will now create their own flyer using Microsoft Word
Learning Goals/Outcomes: to create a flyer and include a table
Nebraska Standards: CIS.HS.4a.2
Teacher Planning:
Equipment/Materials/Software Needed: Computer with Microsoft Word
Time Required for Lesson: 45 minutes
Diagram/Setup: NA
Technology Use:
Software: Microsoft Word
Hardware: NA
Instructional Plan:
Anticipatory Set/Pre-Activity: Word Intro, Travel Flyer and Favorites Table
Benefits/Explanation/Real-World Connection: Learn how to create a professional looking flyer in Microsoft Word.
Activities (i.e. instructions, warm-up, lesson, cool-down): See attached
Closure: See attached
Assessment : Summative