Line Project
Lesson Topic:
Line Project
Lesson Description:
Use concepts you know to create a line design
Learning Goals/Outcomes:
Students will apply their knowledge of lines and color to create a design focused on line.
Nebraska Standards:
HSE.HS.5.7.a - Illustrate the application of elements of design.
Teacher Planning:
Equipment/Materials Needed:
Magazines, Markers, & Printer paper
Time Required for Lesson:
One 45 minute class period, possibly two depending on your level of students
Lab Set-up:
Technology Use:
_____ YES __X__NO
Instructional Plan:
Anticipatory Set/Pre-Activity:
Review the types lines and what their movement means.
Benefits/Explanation/Career Readiness Standards:
5. Uses critical thinking
6. Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Activities (i.e. instructions, lesson, lab or project):
Discuss Line designs with peers
Assessment :
Design is the summative assessment of line knowledge