Stages of Development
Lesson Topic: Stages of Development
Lesson Description: Students will learn more about the Stages of Development: Erickson, Maslow, etc.
Learning Goals/Outcomes: Students will be able to explain character and personality developmental theories.
Nebraska Standards: HSE.HS.1.1
Teacher Planning:
Equipment/Materials Needed:
-Copes of Self-Management Unit Notes (See attachment)
-Access to Stages of Development PowerPoint (See attachment)
-Human Development Lesson (Optional) (See attachment)
Time Required for Lesson:
-1- 45 minute class period plus an additional 25 minutes ( Time may vary depending on class)
Lab Set-up:
Technology Use:
__x___ YES _____NO
Instructional Plan:
Anticipatory Set/Pre-Activity:
-Journal Entry- How does adversity help you grow and develop?
Benefits/Explanation/Career Readiness Standards:
Nebraska Career Readiness Standards
10. Manages personal and career development.
Activities (i.e. instructions, lesson, lab or project):
Journal activity, Text, Stages of Development Discussion, Group Assignment, and Review
Assessment :
Supplemental Information:
Resources may be adapted for students with special needs, English
language learners, or gifted students. Examples may include more in
depth research on theorists or other human development topics.
Safety Precautions:
Comments (adaptations for various grades/ages, teaching styles, etc.)
Designed for 9-12 grade students.
Resources adapted from Utah FACS ListServ File Utah FACS ListServ File