Storylin (view)

Units included with this Open Author resource:

How do sensory systems play a role in behavior of plants and animals?
Storyline, Template, NE Science
NE.SC.6.6.2.A, NE.SC.6.6.2.B, NE.SC.6.6.2.C, NE.SC.6.6.2.D, NE.SC.6.9.3.A, NE.SC.6.9.3.B


In this middle school life sciences unit, students investigate how sensory systems play a role in behavior of plants and animals. Students first solve the mystery of why kudos are dying unexpectedly in the Limpopo Savana. They then expand their investigations to look into how plants communicate or adapt to meet there survival needs. The model they continue to develop helps students understand the function of many structures in plants and how those structures helps the plants survive and reproduce. The end of the unit naturally motivates a new question to pursue in future units, “How do sensory systems play a role in the behavior of animals?"