Why communities are important? Arts Integration unit for lower grades

Why communities are important? 

Understanding Goal 1

What have other people have done to improve the community or the world?

Understanding Goal 2

How can we help to make our community a better place?

Understanding Goal 3

Why is it important to improve the community we live in?

Materials Required: writing journals, pencils, crayons, markers, watercolors, watercolor paper, laptop, projector (ELMO).

Unit sequence

Lesson 1


50 mins.

SHoM: Develop a craft, persist, envision, express.

Instructional sequence (including performances for understanding).

Students will receive a lesson on heroes who have contributed to make the communities and the world a better place. The lesson will offer different cultural examples such as Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, etc. Students will be guided to connect knowledge from previous lessons about these heroes to understand why we study these characters and how their work has contributed to live in a better world.

Teacher will present a short biography of each hero along with pictures.

Ongoing assessment

Students will choose one character and write a summary. Students will be encouraged to include their personal opinion about why this person’s contribution is important for the community or the world.

Lesson 2


50 mins.

SHoM: Develop a craft, persist, envision,express, observe,understand art world.

Instructional sequence (including performances for understanding)

Teacher will do think/pair/share about previous lesson and the importance of helping the community. Teacher will present visual material that relates to the social issues and history heroes studied. Teacher and students will analyze and discuss how the artist express and combine meaning to their work to represent their concerns forsocial issues and the community.

Teacher will show on the projector diverse artwork that represents the social issues and the heroes studied. Teacher will talk about color, line and materials chosen by the artist to express their thinking.

Ongoing Assessment

Students will choose between the materials available to create a piece of art that represents the character they chose.Students will be encouraged to read what they wrote in previous lesson to connect it to their visual representation.

Lesson 3


50 mins.

SHoM: Express, observe, reflect, stretch and explore, and understand art world.

Instructional sequence (including performances for understanding)

Teacher will model how to present their work in front of the class and how to provide feedback to others. Teacher will go over rules for this activity, provide prompts for students to explain their thinking and provide feedback to peers.

Students will present their work to the class explaining what characters they chose, why and what something important that hero did for the world or community. Students will choose to present their artwork, the writing piece or both.

Teacher will create a chart with prompts for how to explain their work and how to provide feedback to others.

Teacher will assess students’ presentation. Students will present their work to the class explaining what characters they chose, why and what something important that hero did for the world or community. Students will choose to present their artwork, the writing piece or both.

Lesson 4


50 mins.

SHoM: Develop a craft, persist, envision, express.

Instructional Sequence (including performances for understanding)

Teacher will briefly summarize previous lesson. Teacher will ask How can we help to make our community a better place? Students will share ideas and personal experiences on how to help to make our community a better place. Teacher will brainstorm with students and write down students’ ideas.

Students will write an essay answering the question and explaining what they would to make the community a better place.


Teacher will create a chart with students’ ideas to support writing process.

Ongoing Assessment

Teacher will assess students’ work and provide individual feedback about their writing. Students will revise and edit their work. 

Lesson 5

UG 2

50 mins.

SHoM: Develop a craft, persist, envision, express, observe, stretch and explore, understand the art world.

Instructional Sequence (including performances for understanding)

Teacher refers to chart to bring background knowledge of ideas about how to help the community be a better place. Teacher will talk about artists that work around social and community issues. Teacher explains to students that artistsend a message to the audience with their art. Teacher shows samples of artwork and uses visual thinking strategy to get students to share ideas about what they see, observe and analyze artwork.

Teacher shows different samples of artwork. Teacher guides students to discuss ideas and provides prompts for analyzing aesthetic elements.

Ongoing Assessment

Students create their own representation of a social issue or concern to which they would like to contribute or help improve. Students will choose the materials to work with.

Teacher will provide assistance and feedback about students working progress.

Lesson 6

UG 2

50 mins.

SHoM: Develop a craft, express, observe, reflect, stretch and explore, understand art world.

Instructional Sequence (including performances for Understanding)

Teacher will refer to chart to guide students and remind students about ways to provide feedback to classmates when presenting. Students will present their artwork or writing to the class explaining what their expressing in and the selection of materials.

Teacher will have chart available for reference.

Ongoing Assessment

Teacher will assess students’ presentation. Students will present their work to the class explaining what their expressing, the materials chosen. Students will choose to present their artwork, the writing piece or both.

Lesson 7



SHoM: Reflect, stretch and explore, understand the art world.

Instructional Sequence (including performances for understanding).

Teacher will guide students to discuss Why is it important to improve the community we live in?

Students and teacher will reflect on how the world has changed with people’s contributions. Teacher will guide the discussion and help students connect to their lives. Students will be prompted to summarize what they have learned and  reflect on their learning progress. Teacher will write ideas on the board or chart paper.


Teacher will write students ideas on the board or chart paper.

Ongoing Assessment

Teacher will observe students during oral discussion to assess learning during this unit.



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