What is your immigration story?
NHPRC QIH Assignment Title:
What is your immigration story?
NOTE: This assignment was created by the participant educator named below as part of the Queens Immigration History curriculum development project funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission division of the National Archives (grant #DH-50022-16). For more information on this grant project, please visit the Queens Immigration History website at https://queensimmigrationhistory.wordpress.com
NHPRC QIH Assignment Creator
Created by NHPRC Teacher Participant/Creator Melissa Banks (C2, July 2018 – June 2019). Ms. Banks is a Global History and Geography teacher at Brooklyn Lab School in Brooklyn, New York. She attended St. John’s University where she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Adolescent Education and Social Studies in. She continued her education at Hoftsra University where she earned her Masters of Arts in Social Studies Education. While attending Hofstra University she contributed to the Winter – Spring edition of “Teaching Social Studies,” a joint publication of the New York and New Jersey State Councils for the Social Studies.
Summary/ Description Overview
Created by NHPRC Teacher Participant/Creator Melissa Banks for her Global History; with modifications for English Language Learners. The assignment asks students to investigate their own immigration story, and to create a storybook that connect the to push-pull factors in their own immigration story to world history events.
Purpose/Learning Goal
1. To apply historical thinking (complexity, causality, change over time, contingency, context).
2. To create a project that connects world history to personal immigration history.
Task 1:
Answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge, or use your own experiences to help you answer:
- When/Why did you/your family come here?
- Did you/your family come here for political, social, or economic issues in your home country?
- How has the experience shaped you/your family?
- What are the push (why you left home) and pull (why Brooklyn) factors for your family’s immigration story?
- What events were happening in your home country before you left?
Task 2:
Create 4-5 more interview questions that are relevant to your family's immigration story. Interview a family member.
Task 3:
Create a children’s story telling you and/or your family’s
immigration story
- include images
- Words on each page
- Questions
Modified Assignment Checklist
Your task for this project is to create a children’s story based on your immigration experience. You will discuss how you and your family emigrated from another country. You have already answered more specific questions to prepare you. Please be sure to keep the following in mind.
- Use simple vocabulary. (Remember this is for a child.)
- Make it a story.(Have a beginning, middle and end.)
- Include pictures. (Draw, use real photos or get from the internet.)
- Characters (This is you. You can use your name or create a name.)
- Edit (You can have a peer, teacher or someone at home edit your work.)
Su tarea para este proyecto es crear una historia para niños basada en su experiencia de inmigración. Usted discutirá cómo usted y su familia emigraron de otro país. Ya has respondido preguntas más específicas para prepararte. Por favor, asegúrese de tener en cuenta lo siguiente.
- Use vocabulario simple. (Recuerde que esto es para un niño).
- Hágale un cuento. (Tenga un principio, una mitad y un final).
- Incluya imágenes. (Dibuja, usa fotos reales u obtén de internet.)
- Caracteres (Este es usted. Puede usar su nombre o crear un nombre).
- Editar (puede hacer que un compañero, un maestro o alguien en casa edite su trabajo).
- সহজ শব্দভাণ্ডার ব্যবহার করুন। (এই একটি শিশুর জন্য মনে রাখবেন।)
- এটি একটি গল্প করুন। (একটি শুরু, মধ্যম এবং শেষ আছে।)
- ছবি অন্তর্ভুক্ত করুন। (অঙ্কন, বাস্তব ছবি ব্যবহার করুন বা ইন্টারনেট থেকে পেতে।)
- অক্ষর (আপনি আপনার নাম ব্যবহার করতে পারেন বা একটি নাম তৈরি করতে পারেন।)
- সম্পাদনা করুন (আপনার লেখা সম্পাদনা করুন।)
Required Resources
Interview Questions: Provided
More Resources from the NHPRCQIH LibGuide:
- Oral History Tab – links to local NYC Oral History Projects for reviewing or contributing.
- Queens Memory Project Tab – assistance with conducting open ended interviews, and local NYC interviews
- Global and NYC Regional tabs – for context of push/pull factors and local demographics
Banks: Immigration Storybook Rubric
This NHPRC Teacher Participant assignment was created by Melissa Banks
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States