Measuring and Equivalents
Lesson Topic: Measuring and Equivalents
Lesson Description:
lesson will focus on measuring while cooking/baking and using math strategies
to convert recipe size correctly.
Learning Goals/Outcomes:
- Identify cooking terminology related to abbreviations, measuring techniques, and converting recipes.
- Demonstrate how to measure dry and liquid ingredients.
Nebraska Standards:
HSE.MS.6.3 Identify cooking tool, utensil, and small appliance use and safely demonstrate their functions.
HSE.MS.6.6 Identify and practice kitchen safety steps while preparing foods in the kitchen.
HSE.MS.6.8 Identify recipe parts & discuss the importance of each including measuring, abbreviations, conversions, and cooking methods.
Teacher Planning:
Equipment/Materials Needed:
○ Worksheet + PowerPoint
○ Foods labs expectations
○ Bowls, measuring tools, and ingredients to measure
Time Required for Lesson:
○ 1-2 40-minute class periods
Lab Set-up:
○ Set up labs for students to practice and demonstrate measuring
○ Students will need bowls, measuring utensils, and ingredients
Technology Use:
_____ YES __X__NO
Instructional Plan:
Anticipatory Set/Pre-Activity:
o Students complete a review on cooking abbreviations. Students will match the abbreviation with the meaning (ex: c. and cup). This will get students thinking about previous knowledge they have as it relates to measurement in foods.
o Guiding Questions:
- Were you able to recall the abbreviations and their meanings?
- Have you see these abbreviations before? Where?
Benefits/Explanation/Career Readiness Standards:
○ Students will use the following career readiness skills:
■ Apply appropriate academic and technical skills
■ Communicates effectively and appropriately
■ Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
■ Uses critical thinking
■ Works productively in teams
Activities (i.e. instructions, lesson, lab or project):
○ Lesson plan attached
○ Discussion questions related to measurement lab and using math in the kitchen
Assessment :
Formative and summative
Supplemental Information:
○ This lesson plan can easily be expanded to take more time. The lab with measurement could be a foods lab where students actually half a recipe (like cookies) and make it!
Safety Precautions:
○ N/A
Comments (adaptations for various grades/ages, teaching styles, etc.)
○ Additional materials: