Time Management Pamphlet
Lesson Topic: Time Management Pamphlet
Lesson Description: Students create pamphlet over time management strategies for students using Canva.com
Learning Goals/Outcomes: Students will be able to show their knowledge of time management strategies in a summative assessment.
Nebraska Standards:
HSE.MS.8.16 Incorporate technology tools & skills as they complete research and
projects throughout the unit.
HSE.MS.8.11 Identify employability skills helpful in obtaining and maintaining a job.
Teacher Planning:
Equipment/Materials Needed:
- Each student will need computer/Internet access
- Computer/Projector to show video over how to use Canva
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqYti78riU8
- Time Management Pamphlet Rubric
Time Required for Lesson: 2 (47 minute periods)
Lab Set-up:
- Have computer with projection screen up that has video ready.
- Post link to canva.com on google classroom
Technology Use:
__X___ YES _____NO
Instructional Plan:
Anticipatory Set/Pre-Activity:
- Write on board: "Write down and turn in one strategy we talked about over the course of the last days that you believe helps you manage your time."
Benefits/Explanation/Career Readiness Standards:
- Technology skills are essential for any student. Using Canva is just one more application they are able to use for classes.
Activities (i.e. instructions, lesson, lab or project):
- Complete bellringer, then talk about what everyone (or select few) wrote down.
- Ask who has used the website Canva.com before.
- Show the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqYti78riU8 that explains what Canva can do and how to use it.
- Post onto google classroom expectations for time management pamphlet: 1 quote about time management, 5 tips for someone who needs help managing their time, 1 other item they would like to include. (Note: This is just what I wanted for the content. The rubric has all of the neatness, turned in on time, etc.)
- Show everyone how to sign up for a Canva account (I wait till now to do this, so they are not all starting the project wrong)
- On the projector, I show them where to go to get the correct template and have them each pick their design.
- After they each pick their design, I tell them to create a google document with all of the required items for the pamphlet for homework.
- On the second day, the students just focus on plugging in their information onto the Canva template. They then save these as a pdf and turn into google classroom.
- We present these the following day.
- Day 1: Show teacher which template was chosen.
- Day 2: Check in with each student to see where their progress is on their pamphlet.
Assessment :
Summative: This is my project/test grade on my time management unit.