Pregnancy Towers

Lesson Topic: Pregnancy Towers Project

Lesson Description: Group project that helps the students review developmental milestones in each month of pregnancy.

Learning Goals/Outcomes: Students will be able to identify developmental milestones for baby at each month of pregnancy. Students will be able to identify what mom is experiencing at each stage of pregnancy. Students will be able to work as a group to complete a project.

Nebraska Standards:

HSE.HS.2.1.a Analyze biological processes related to prenatal development, birth, and health of child and mother

Teacher Planning:

Equipment/Materials Needed:

  • Large note cards
  • Computer access for groups
  • Pregnancy Tower Rubric

Time Required for Lesson: 3 (47 minute periods)

Lab Set-up: None.

Technology Use:

__X___ YES               _____NO

Instructional Plan:

Anticipatory Set/Pre-Activity:

  • Question on board: How many weeks is a pregnancy? Around how many months is this?

Benefits/Explanation/Career Readiness Standards:

Students will learn how to collaborate and use each others strengths to complete a project

Activities (i.e. instructions, lesson, lab or project):

  • Complete bellringer
  • Hand out explanation of project and rubric-Explain they will be working in groups of 3 or 4 that teacher has chosen. Explain rubric. 
  • Show examples of a project from previous years of towers that still stand. 
  • Tell who is in each group. Hand out 9 notecards per group. 
  • Students work on project for the rest of first day, and then two more full days. 

Closure: Each day, teacher needs to check in with each group to see progress. Determine if each person in group is pulling their weight and note down on their rubric.

Assessment :

Formative assessment: Let students discover what they can about prenatal development, and then clarify afterward with direct instruction. 

Supplemental Information:

Modifications: Some students may need to work alone if they are gone days during this project.

Safety Precautions: None.

Download: Pregnancy_Towers.pdf

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