Citizenship Lesson for MLK unit
Introduction: Identify people who are good citizens and describe the character traits that make them admirable. Explore how we, as individuals can contribute to our communities
This activity is meant to discuss why we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day and explore student ideas of what it means to be a citizen in their classroom, community/country, and world.
Driving Question: What does it mean to be a citizen?
Focus: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Watch video about how to be a good citizen in the classroom.
Ask kids if they can do anything more to be a good citizen in our classroom. Show MLK video.
After video ask what made MLK a good citizen? Then show:
Now ask what makes someone a good global citizen?
Culminating Activity:
Split students into groups of 4 and have them discuss ideas of what they think it means to be a citizen. Give each group a scenario to brainstorm ideas of big white sticky post-it paper. Scenarios could include how to be a citizen at school, home, out in public, etc. Have them discuss how their ideas would fit into MLK’s dream of what it means to be a good citizen. Then have class come back together and present posters.
Activity 2
Teacher will briefly summarize previous lesson. Teacher will ask How can we help to make our community a better place? Students will share ideas and personal experiences on how to help to make our community a better place. Teacher will brainstorm with students and write down students’ ideas.
Students will write an essay answering the question and explaining what they would to make the community a better place.