Nutrition Facts Label Analysis


In order to make healthy nutritional decisions, it is important to understand how to read the nutrition facts label that is located on all packaged food.  The FDA has required this information to be present for many years, however there are a few changes on the horizon with the nutrition facts label currently receiving an updated look!  This new look will be more user friendly and will allow consumers to make better informed nutritional choices. 


  • Three packaged food items containing nutrition facts labels.
  • The "Nutrition Facts Label Analysis" worksheet

Pre-Activity Research

Prior to completing the "Nutrition Facts Label Analysis" worksheet, students need to read the following informational document and view the short video provided by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:

1) "The New and Improved Nutrition Facts Label- Key Changes"

 Nutrition Facts Label- Key Changes

2) "What's New About the Nutrition Facts Label?"

What’s New About the Nutrition Facts Label?

Food Label Analysis Activity

Download: Food_Label_Worksheet_2019_2cQGHDf.pdf

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