Blind Contour Drawing: The process and purpose


Blind Contour Drawing is one of the first lessons and exercises in academic drawing practice, and although it is often described as helping art students to develop hand and eye coordination, Blind Contour Drawing has other benefits in developing sound drawing habits that place students on the path other artistic achievements.  

The Process

The Process

Students are asked to place their drawing instrument, i.e., pencil, marker, graphite stick, etc. in the paper and their eyes on one point of the subject of their drawing. The students are not to look at their drawing surface when they began to draw. They are then to allow their eyes to observe the contour lines of their subject, while their hand makes a record of that observation. During this process, it is crucial to keep in mind:

Our eyes engage in the act of seeing whenever it is open. Therefore, seeing is a continuous and fluid process, and thus the blind contour lines must also be fluid, continuous, and non-scratchy.

Our eyes do not plan where to look, because seeing is often a free process. Therefore, the students must not plan to start from point A and end in point B, in order to have a better chance of accuracy. Instead, they must let their eyes be distracted by portions of the form that appeal to them. We can expect that such a free process makes their drawings quirky and inaccurate. However, this inaccuracy is acceptable and even revered for its charm and beauty.

Also, the students should resist the temptation to look at their paper until they stop drawing. This allows them to engage in a sustained observation of their subject and engage in the process of drawing without anxieties about their results. It is noteworthy that joyful engagement in the process is one of the most critical factors of success in any creative discipline.


The following slide presentation contains examples of my students' blind contour drawings at Modesto Junior College Basic Drawing courses as their first drawing exercise.

Student Work Examples

Download: Blind_Contour_.pdf

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