Go-Pro Learning Project Template
Write a clear description of the project, easy to use and understand explanation of the big picture, detailed summary of what teaching and learning styles and strategies are used
Learning Goals
List what you intend students will learn with this project
Depth of Knowledge
Describe the depth, rigor, mastery of skills
Are learners engaged to think critically and solve complex problems? Reason abstractly? Work collaboratively? Learn how to learn? Communicate effectively? Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others? Apply discrete knowledge and skills to real-world situations? Construct, use, or analyze models?
Describe which standards your project is aligned to and how this project meets those standards, both in content and performance expectations for the student
Student Levels & Needs
Describe the variety of learner levels and needs that this project is intended
Teacher Preparation
Explain what teachers need to know to support the planning and presenting of the project
Include teaching and learning strategies and mixed instructional approaches
Materials Needed
List the materials needed to complete this project in the classroom
Time Needed
Write the time needed to complete the project, including preparation time, lessons and activities, and assessment
Project Instructional Plan
Outline the instructional plan so that a teacher reading this could replicate your project, including how to introduce the project to students, and the various activities the students do.
List and define new vocabulary and terms used in this project
Rubrics and questions for students to demonstrate proficiency
Student Work
Upload GoPro videos that show student's work
Student Data
Classroom observations and examples of student progress and motivation
Additional Resources
List, upload and link to other resources to support the use of this project in the classroom, and include possible extenstions.