STEM BreakoutEDU- Saving the Golden Frogs

Breakout EDU: STEM- Saving the Golden Frogs

Game Designers: Susan Allen and Jessica Redcay

Grades: 2-4           

 Timeframe: 45 min. – 1 hour

The game is available at the following link:


Golden Tree Frogs are only found in Panama. They are the national symbol of Panama, and they are believed to bring good luck. In the mid-1990s, Golden Tree Frogs were everywhere. Now, they are critically endangered. When Golden Tree Frogs live in the wild they die from a fungus called Chytrid. Frogs are amphibians so they get oxygen through their skin.  The fungus makes sacs on their skin that keep the frog from breathing. Scientists gather the frogs from the wild and treat the amphibians for the disease. If frogs are in the early stages of the disease then they can save the frogs. Once a frog is treated it cannot be returned to the wild because it needs to continue to take daily baths in a chemical that kills the fungus. There are only 2,000 Golden Frogs left in the world, and they have to live in captivity. Scientists are trying to find a way to release the frogs back into their natural habitat.

You have collected frogs from the wild and you are keeping the frogs in tanks in a hotel room. A larger building with more space has become available and you will be able to move the frogs to the new building. A scientist who is working with you accidentally locked the directions to the new building in a box. You will need to solve the clues to unlock the box to find out where to take the frogs. Then you will be able to go out and save more frogs!

Teaching Strategies


StartSOLE is a simple inquiry-based approach that can be implemented in a single class period with minimal constraints and serves as an excellent addition or supplement to this lesson.  If you'd like to use one of these suggested questions to encourage students to dig deeper or help prepare them for this activity click on a link below to setup your StartSOLE lesson:

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