learning to read

Meanwhile, early learning to read a completely different task: to teach a child to read, to instill in him an interest in reading for life and, most importantly, to actively stimulate mental activity during the formation of the brain, ie, up to six or seven years. Education should be organized in the form of a game and thought so that the child was easy at every stage of learning. At the beginning of training the child still does not understand what is the sound of the word, for it sounds - it is when the TV is asked to do so loud ("diminish the sound"). Yes, and that is the word, he will realize by the end of training, when it begins to read the book and offers. It is not necessary because of this experience, understanding will come with time as if by itself. And while he does not understand it, it should not be forced to learn that the name.

Preschoolers assimilation occurs not by memorizing rules and their subsequent application as for the older children, and through the gradual realization. In other words, the child with the help of a teacher or parent myself to just get it. Useless to explain preschooler that from the relocation of sum does not change this rule to memorize it can, but to understand - no. In this I am convinced more than once. But if you offer him to add two to four, and immediately, on the contrary, - four to two, but at the same time more and give it to rearrange two and four items, then eventually he realized that the result will be the same. We just have to be patient. And usually he will learn later in school. After all, we do not explain to the child how to walk, how to talk, he will learn that with our help. Similarly, we must help him learn to read.

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