multiplication table

You can also try to teach a child the multiplication table using the following tips:

Start studying from memorizing multiplication tables, and from account
Believe dozens, fives, twos, threes, fours. Children begin to understand that 20, for example, are two tens (10 + 10), four five (5 + 5 + 5 + 5), ten pairs (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 2). Complement number to 10 or nearest round number. For example, the number 4 is supplemented by six, the number 15 is supplemented with 5 etc. When memorizing tables such an understanding is useful.

Start learning the multiplication tables need to multiply by 1 and 10
Children quickly learn that when multiplied by the number 1 does not change, and when multiplied by 10 - increased tenfold, and to get the result, it is necessary to first factor attributed to 0.

Multiplication by two
Remember easily, if we recall the addition of two identical numbers: 2 + 2, 3 + 3, etc. Similarly, we can understand and learn the multiplication by 4 and 8.

Multiplication by 5
Here the answer will always end in 0 or 5. If you multiply an even number - the answer number ends in 0, if odd - 5.

Use a rule the relocation of the factors
It is important to explain to children that from the relocation of the factors does not change the product. For example, 3x2 = 2x3. This means three times to take two or three times to take the two - is the same. Knowledge of this rule reduces training almost doubled. Children who know how to be 4x8, will easily be able to multiply 8 by 4 times this rule can be used for logical reasoning, when the head pops did not answer. Suppose the child can not remember how many will be 3x7. Let him remember the title of the rule interchange factors and addition of identical numbers, ie 3x7 - is 7 + 7 + 7 (3 times) = 21.

"Key places" table
This squares of the numbers: 2x2, 3x3 ... 8x8, 9x9, 10x10. They will serve as a guide to recall other examples. For example, knowing that 7x7 = 49, the child can quickly figure out what 7h6 = 42. To do this, he just needs to take a 49 seven.

Multiplication by 9
It is interesting and fun to children can memorize the multiplication table 9: First number is multiplied by 10 and then subtract it, for example, 8h9 = 8h10-8 = 72.

Setting a long memorization and repetition
Learning the multiplication table without repetition will not be effective. Hang colorfully decorated table in the places where children are most commonly found: near the desk, next to the bed, in the kitchen. Let the children before bedtime browsing, recite aloud examples morning they sure can play them quickly. Memory has the property well to remember the information received at bedtime

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