Language Arts Lesson Plan Crawford

CONCEPT/UNIT: Genetic Influence upon Actions

WEEK: As Decided upon by the group

TEACHER: Crawford 11th Grade American Literature 

Standards: RL2, W4, RI2

Essential Questions: How do we decipher between a primary and secondary source?  How do we properly cite strong textual evidence to support our interpretation? What ways does an author’s point of view lend to potential bias in the work?

BIG IDEAS: Students will read and analyze a number of non-fictional texts, short stories, novels, and identify topics, motifs and themes in the works, annotate evidence in the works to support their interpretations  


EQ: How can I demonstrate my understanding of the articles we have been reading?

Bell Ringer: article review

Work Period: Work with a partner to identify pertinent information and make inferences. Read first ¼ of the article

 Closing: Review the biological element present in our decision making

Homework: Complete Venn Diagram to show similarities and differences in Nature vs. Nurture



EQ:  How can I demonstrate my understanding of the articles we have been reading?

Bell Ringer: article review and Venn diagram review

Work Period: Read the next ¼ of the article

 Closing: Review information and inferences formed for the next section of the article

Homework: Continue reading



EQ: How does the author’s point of view influence understanding?

Bell Ringer: adjust Venn diagram to include new information

Warm Up: Review previous days reading

Work Period: Read next ¼ of the article and formulate opinions based on specific textual evidence from the article

Closing: Discuss material presented in class

Homework: Continue reading to keep on pace



EQ: How does the author’s point of view influence understanding?

Bell Ringer: article review

Work Period: Finish reading articles and put ideas in outline form for assessment to construct well written essay in defense of positions

Homework: Finish citing supporting evidence from articles to construct a well written essay to support your inferences



EQ: How do I demonstrate my understanding of the week’s lessons?

Work Period: Assessment on Genetic impact upon decision making in humans

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