Genetics Lesson Template
About This Template
This template supports the Genetics Learning Challenge Winners in designing and authoring their proposed lesson ideas for how they are reimagining the way we teach and study genetics. Select any starting point from the steps below to begin building your lesson.
Lesson Abstract
Identify Lesson Themes
Identify Your Lesson Themes
Enter your lesson themes below.
Choose Your Standards to Address
Choose Your Standards
To Do
Enter your standards below.
Related Resources
Next Generation Science Standards
Common Core State Standards for MathematicsCommon Core State Standards for English Language Arts
Write Your Learning Objectives
To Do
Tie your learning objectives to the
specific standards you want to address by answering: What must the student know and
be able to do to meet the content standard? Enter
your learning objectives below.
If working
across subjects, write the learning objectives that are specific to each
discipline, and enter them below.
Tips for Writing Student Learning Outcomes - IUPUI
Student Tasks
To Do
Write up what the students will be doing for this lesson and provide examples (images, videos, documents) of student work.
Develop Your Culminating Learning Experience
To Do
Develop your summative
tasks with your team, and answer: How will the culminating tasks provide for
summative assessment of the standards targeted and the skills and knowledge
developed during the lesson? Enter your summative assessment(s) below.
Graphic Organizer Assessment Rubric
ASCD Common Core: Assessment Shifts
Selecting Texts for Teaching and Assessing
Consider Pre-Requisite Learning
To Do
Make a list of the background knowledge and prerequisite skills that your
students will need to succeed in the lesson/unit. Enter your list below.
To Do
Use the following guiding
questions to develop your pre-assessment approach with your teaching team:
- How might students’ background and skills be pre-assessed to determine their readiness for learning?
- How will the pre-assessment reveal gaps in students’ knowledge in alignment with our selected standards and learning objectives?
- How will we use pre assessment data to revise our teaching and challenge students at an appropriate level?
Enter your pre-assessment approach below.
Organize Instructional Activities
To Do
Determine with your team
the sequence of your instructional activities. Use the following, guiding
- How should major instructional activities be sequenced to provide a coherent progression of learning?
- How are learning activities designed and sequenced to develop students’ literacy and emphasize the key areas of focus (shifts) in instruction?
- In what ways does the instructional sequence prepare students for the summative assessment?
List your instructional activities below, organized sequentially. Add notes about length of time for each activity, or for the lesson overall, as well as the preparation and materials needed for each activity. Consider adding notes about specific strategies for diverse learners including those who are ELL, have disabilities, or read well below (or above) the grade level text band.