Arabic L

Arabic Vocabulary Game

Write the vocabulary words on small pieces of paper one in each Easter egg. and the English translation also in a small pieces of paper put in the Easter egg I will mix the eggs put them in a basket, then pass them around to the students. They will open them and find their vocabulary partner afterwards they will put the words in sentences.

Materials Needed

Easter eggs




Time Needed

about 40 minutes

Foreign Language Learning Standards Addressed

Arabic and English

Reference Resources
Standards for Foreign Language Learning (Full PDF)
Quick Guide to the Standards for Foreign Language Learning

Academic Vocabulary

مع  - with

ذِكرَيات - memories

حُلوها - sweetness

let is go  - هيا

أحْلى- most beautiful

نُخفِّف -to relax relieve

قيمة - value

روح َمرِحة - funny personality in a cheerful spirit

مؤلمة - painlull

المُثابِر - hard work, persistence

أجمل - more beautiful

الطُفُولة - childhood

مرّها - bitterness

نَسْتَرْجع -to recall

زاوية - angle

نَتَنَزه - to enjoying

دونما - without

رَغْبَة - desire

Can-Do Statements

The students will have to know the English translations for the vocabulary words.

the students will be able to write sentences in Arabic.

Reference Resources
LinguaFolio Network's Tips for Writing Can-Do Statements
Tips for Writing Student Learning Outcomes - IUPUI

Student Tasks

The most important thing is that the students know their vocabulary so they can be able to understand the lesson. 


After passing the eggs I will ask the students to open the eggs. Then I'll pick one of the students to tell me which vocabulary word he/she has. Afterwards the ask who has his/her  translation. The student finds the partner and they'll start to write a sentence about the word.

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills

to be able to know the vocabulary words translation


There is no recourses. This was my idea



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