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  • CCSS.Math.Content.6.EE.B.6 - Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving ...
  • CCSS.Math.Content.6.EE.B.6 - Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving ...
Math, Grade 6, Putting Math to Work, The Relationship Between Size & Price
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

During this two-day lesson, students work with a partner to create and implement a problem-solving plan based on the mathematical concepts of rates, ratios, and proportionality. Students analyze the relationship between different-sized gummy bears to solve problems involving size and price.Key ConceptsThroughout this unit, students are encouraged to apply the mathematical concepts they have learned over the course of this year to new settings. Help students develop and refine these problem-solving skills:Creating a problem solving plan and implementing their plan systematicallyPersevering through challenging problems to find solutionsRecalling prior knowledge and applying that knowledge to new situationsMaking connections between previous learning and real-world problemsCommunicating their approaches with precision and articulating why their strategies and solutions are reasonableCreating efficacy and confidence in solving challenging problems in a real worldGoals and Learning ObjectivesCreate and implement a problem-solving plan.Organize and interpret data presented in a problem situation.Analyze the relationship between two variables.Use ratios.Write and solve proportions.Create rate tables to organize data and make predictions.Use multiple representations—including tables, graphs, and equations—to organize and communicate data.Articulate strategies, thought processes, and approaches to solving a problem, and defend why the solution is reasonable.

Ratios and Proportions
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Math, Grade 6, Putting Math to Work, The Relationship Between Size & Price 2.0
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

During this two-day lesson, students work with a partner to create and implement a problem-solving plan based on the mathematical concepts of rates, ratios, and proportionality. Students analyze the relationship between different-sized gummy bears to solve problems involving size and price.Key ConceptsThroughout this unit, students are encouraged to apply the mathematical concepts they have learned over the course of this year to new settings. Helping students develop and refine these problem solving skills:Creating a problem solving plan and implementing their plan systematicallyPersevering through challenging problems to find solutionsRecalling prior knowledge and applying that knowledge to new situationsMaking connections between previous learning and real-world problemsCommunicating their approaches with precision and articulating why their strategies and solutions are reasonableCreating efficacy and confidence in solving challenging problems in a real worldGoals and Learning ObjectivesCreate and implement a problem-solving plan.Organize and interpret data presented in a problem situation.Analyze the relationship between two variables.Use ratios.Write and solve proportions.Create rate tables to organize data and make predictionsUse multiple representations—including tables, graphs, and equations—to organize and communicate data.Articulate strategies, thought processes, and approaches to solving a problem and defend why the solution is reasonable.

Ratios and Proportions
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Math, Grade 6, Putting Math to Work, The Relationship Between Sound & Light
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students create and implement a problem-solving plan to solve another problem involving the relationship between the sound of thunder and the distance of the lightning.Key ConceptsThroughout this unit, students are encouraged to apply the mathematical concepts they have learned over the course of this year to new settings. Help students develop and refine these problem-solving skills:Creating a problem-solving plan and implementing their plan systematicallyPersevering through challenging problems to find solutionsRecalling prior knowledge and applying that knowledge to new situationsMaking connections between previous learning and real-world problemsCommunicating their approaches with precision and articulating why their strategies and solutions are reasonableCreating efficacy and confidence in solving challenging problems in a real worldGoals and Learning ObjectivesCreate and implement a problem-solving plan.Organize and interpret data presented in a problem situation.Analyze the relationship between two variables.Create a rate table to organize data and make predictions.Apply the relationship between the variables to write a mathematical formula and use the formula to solve problems.Create a graph to display proportional relationships and use this graph to make predictions.Articulate strategies, thought processes, and approaches to solving a problem and defend why the solution is reasonable.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The intent of clarifying statements is to provide additional guidance for educators to communicate the intent of the standard to support the future development of curricular resources and assessments aligned to the 2021 math standards.  Clarifying statements can be in the form of succinct sentences or paragraphs that attend to one of four types of clarifications: (1) Student Experiences; (2) Examples; (3) Boundaries; and (4) Connection to Math Practices.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Mark Freed
Date Added:
Triangular Tables
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This task provides a good opportunity for group work and class discussions where students generate and compare equivalent expressions. In class discussion, students should be asked to connect the terms of an expression with quantities shown in the diagram.

Material Type:
Illustrative Mathematics
Provider Set:
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics
Date Added: