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COVID_19 Faculty Remote Teaching Resources_eBook.pdf
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n the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many academic institutions around the world responded to the sudden need to move learning online, with what might be considered emergency measures. We at CLTD, similarly, created resources and worked with academics across the university to mitigate against the loss of learning opportunities our stu-dents were faced with.
To gauge the effects this move had on students, the Learning and Teaching Team engaged in a series of COVID-19 dialogues with faculty student advisers, faculty student council reps, and academics (see Re-sources, below). We suggest that while the initial move to online learning was necessitated by the pandemic and executed under pressure of time, a revised response is required. This will allow us to deepen the ped-agogical underpinning of our practices. The purpose of this eBook is to formulate a response as we approach the second semester.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Nazira Hoosen
Renee Koch
Rieta Ganas
Rita Kizito
Sipho Hlabanae
Najma Agherdien
Date Added: