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In this presentation you will learn about the evolution of diabetes and how it affects the world population. Diabetes is probably recognized as one of the biggest global health challenges in the 21st century. Figures from 2012 shows that diabetes caused the death of 1.5 million people and lead to an additional 2.2 million deaths caused by higher than optimal blood glucose, which increases the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases. The prevalence of diabetes is rising in all income groups, however over the past decade it has risen faster in low and middle income countries rather than in high income countries.
Narrator: Richard Steed.
- Subject:
- Applied Science
- Health, Medicine and Nursing
- Material Type:
- Lecture
- Provider:
- University of Copenhagen Department of Biomedical Science
- Provider Set:
- Diabetes - The Essential Facts
- Author:
- Associate Professor Signe Sørensen Torekov
- MD Nicolai Wewer Albrechtsen
- Professor Jens Juul Holst
- Professor Venkat Narayan
- Senior Researcher Kristine Færch
- Date Added:
- 01/07/2016