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Important Prerequisite Math Standards
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
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Now, more than ever, all students deserve access to engaging, challenging, grade-level math instruction. This is especially true for students who have been underserved such as students living in poverty, students from racially marginalized communities, students with learning differences, and students who are multilingual emergent. A commitment to equitable instruction requires that educators are intentional in identifying, celebrating, and building on knowledge that students have gained. It also requires that educators are strategic as they plan to address current and ongoing learning gaps. Starting the school year with weeks of review of prior-grade standards will result in a long-term loss of access to grade-level work that perpetuates inequities for historically marginalized students. This resource demonstrates that students who were impacted by interruptions to teaching and learning and subsequent learning losses are still able to access most grade-level standards this year without prior review, and that missed content can usually be integrated in a minimally-invasive way.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
The Achievement Network Ltd.
Date Added: