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This series of workshops provides skills to pediatric physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists and other health professionals that will improve their ability care for pediatric patients who are dying in the hospital. We have developed three workshops which each take about 90 minutes. These workshops feature videos of simulated doctor/patient interactions, worksheets, self-evaluations, and more. Click the "Sessions" tab for a complete view of the content for each workshop. We are working this year on interactive modules that will be useful for self-study and reinforcement of key knowledge and skills.
- Subject:
- Applied Science
- Health, Medicine and Nursing
- Material Type:
- Lesson
- Provider:
- University of Michigan
- Provider Set:
- Open.Michigan
- Author:
- Adam Marks.
- Cecilia Trudeau
- D'Anna Saul
- Jim Azim
- Karyn Schoem
- Ken Pituch
- Matthew Niedner
- Maureen Giacomazza
- Pat Lyndale
- Rita Ayyangar
- Terry Murphy
- Tricia Keefer
- Date Added:
- 11/10/2010