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  • cultural-impact-of-technology
Social and Cultural impact of ICT
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ICT has a significant impact on social and cultural contexts of the individual and society as a whole.Technology interventions in our life has pre dominantly taken a wider step in all our transactions. Are we aware of various negative impact it may cause to us ?Do you all agree to the following points:Online communication can be impersonal therefore we can loose the rewarding experience of in-person human connections.The illusion of being in control and hiding behind online messages vs. discussing difficult issues in person.Inability of truly conveying the intentions behind our online messages therefore lack of considering the potential consequences of how our words/messages will be received.Illusion of relationships – connecting electronically can lead to more isolation.Constant digital sensory stimulus will lessen our ability to discern and think for ourselves more effectively.Privacy and security issues.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Sunita Jain
Date Added: