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  • health-standards
Health Information Standards -- HL7
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This curriculum aims to give a briefing introduction of health information standards deployed and used in worldwide. People who work in HIM field will find this educational blog as an entry level learning material of HL7. Review the existing health standards, especially the introduction of HL7 standards. After audience finish this topic, they should be able to understand and compare the difference between Version2 and Version 3 of HL7.After finishing this course, students need to finish one assignment which is a 500 word paper to compare any two version of the HL7 sandards. Student can pick which two they would love to compare.

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Lentic Li
Date Added:
Health Information Standards -- HL7
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This curriculum aims to give a briefing introduction of health information standards deployed and used in worldwide. People who work in HIM field will find this educational blog as an entry level learning material of HL7. Review the existing health standards, especially the introduction of HL7 standards. After audience finish this topic, they should be able to understand and compare the difference between Version2 and Version 3 of HL7.After finishing this course, students need to finish one assignment which is a 500 word paper to compare any two version of the HL7 sandards. Student can pick which two they would love to compare.

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Lentic Li
Date Added: