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  • literacy-and-aac
Emergent Literacy with Older Learners
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An emergent learner could be described as someone in the initial stages of learning to read and write and encompasses all behaviors and understandings preceding conventional reading and writing, as noted by Koppenhaver, Coleman, Kalman, and Yoider (1991) and Sulzby (1985). With the help of high-quality instruction, emergent learners will be provided the opportunity to acquire foundational reading and writing skills. As all beginning communicators, emergent learners rely on those around them to provide access and instruction to age-respectful and meaningful learning opportunities. Challenges may arise for students who struggle to manipulate books physically or for those who are non-speaking and/or use aided AAC. In such cases, this module offers solutions to support you as their teacher. Teachers must also face the reality of instructing all different learning levels, whether they are at the emergent, transitional, or conventional stages of literacy learning. This module also supports the creation of high-quality literacy lesson planning to meet your student's needs regardless of their learning stage. This task can be daunting and difficult without the right tools.  Using OpenAI to support material adaptation and modifications can assist teachers in removing barriers and ensuring that all students can engage in enriching reading and writing experiences.

English Language Arts
Reading Foundation Skills
Special Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Sharon Redmon
Dan Herlihy
Washington OSPI OER Project
Date Added:
Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities: Module 3 of 4 - Emergent Reading
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An emergent reader is a young child who is in the early stages of learning to read. They are developing foundational reading skills and becoming aware of how written language works. Emergent readers rely on visual cues, context, and basic letter-sound knowledge to make sense of the text as they gradually build their reading abilities.  Emergent reading is defined as all of the behaviors and understandings of learners of any age that precede and develop into conventional reading. (Koppenhaver, Coleman, Kalman & Yoider 1991; Sulzby, 1985)Emergent reading strategies include providing opportunities for shared reading, self-selected reading, accessing various types of text, and building background knowledge. What if a student cannot hold a book and turn the pages of a book?  What if a student is non-speaking, how will they participate in reading experiences?  This module provides ideas for removing these barriers to provide rich emergent reading experiences for ALL students.

Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Sarah Kinsella
Brenda Del Monte
Date Added: