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  • math-finding-sums
Dice Addition Game
Unrestricted Use
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Materials: large variety of dice (dot dice, numeral dice, polyhedron dice, etc.); paper for recording addition equations; pencils How to play: Students divide into partners of similar skill level and choose appropriate dice for their skill level. Each student will need two dice. Each student wil roll both dice and announce the sum of their two numbers. The winner of each round is the student with the largest sum. If students have the same sum, then a tie is declared for that round. The winning student records his/her addition equation on the notepad. For example, Tom and Sue both roll their two dice. Tom rolls 4 and 2. Sue rolls 6 and 5. Therefore, Sue states and records 6+5=11 on the paper for winning the round. **Game can be modified to find the difference between two numbers rather than the sum.  Photo Credit: James Bowe https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Jaime Fite
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