Middle and High School educators across Lebanon County, Pennsylvania developed lesson plans to integrate the Pennsylvania Career Education and Work Standards with the content they teach. This work was made possible through a partnership between the South Central PA Workforce Investment Board (SCPa Works) and Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 (IU13) and was funded by a Teacher in the Workplace Grant Award from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. This lesson plan was developed by one of the talented educators who participated in this project during the 2019-2020 school year.
21 Results
The Washington Social Emotional Learning Standards and Benchmarks x ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Students Crosswalk is intended to support CSCP teams in Washington align their programming and lessons with the state specific SEL standards. Please Note: When choosing the appropriate learning standard for students, it is important to ensure that the standards are directly aligned with the learning objective(s) for the lesson or intervention and the developmental level of the student(s). Refer to Washington Social Emotional Learning Indicators for more information.
- Subject:
- Education
- Material Type:
- Teaching/Learning Strategy
- Author:
- Maria Muto
- Whitney Triplett
- Kylie Massey
- Date Added:
- 05/07/2024
Who should use this resource: Staff involved in planning and implementing the CSCPHow to use this resource: Individually and with CSCP team members to support planning and documenting the annual calendar at the end of each school year (with revisions at the start of the new academic year), with the intention to share it broadly with administrators and the school community.Included:Year At-A-Glance templateMonthly calendar templatesTips for creating the CSCP annual calendarASCA aligned suggested activities each monthWashington's CSCP professional development for 24-25
- Subject:
- Education
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Module
- Author:
- Maria Muto
- Kylie Massey
- Washington OSPI OER Project
- Date Added:
- 05/29/2024
Designed specifically for Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) staff, this 5-part mini-series will guide participants through a project to address a gap that exists in their school’s student achievement, behavior, or attendance data.By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to use data to identify students requiring supplemental supports, identify evidence of disproportionality, and select a target group for intervention.
Designed specifically for Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) staff, this 5-part mini-series will guide participants through a project to address a gap that exists in their school’s student achievement, behavior, or attendance data.By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to integrate root cause analysis into our Tier 2 approach and align interventions to the root cause for maximum impact.
ObjectivesBy the end of this session, we will be able to:● Partner with administrators to develop a realistic,scaffolded action plan for beginning to align CSCPstaff use of time with 5030 and the ASCA NationalModel● Consider how the CSCP will begin to shift this yearto incorporate preventative, proactive,developmentally appropriate Tier 1 activities for ALLstudents
- Subject:
- Early Childhood Development
- Education
- Elementary Education
- Higher Education
- Special Education
- Material Type:
- Module
- Teaching/Learning Strategy
- Author:
- Carrie Penkman
- Kim Reykdal
- Whitney Triplett
- Washington OSPI OER Project
- Date Added:
- 12/07/2022
This Module offers an overview for school counselors and includes definitions of counselors' various roles and responsibilities when working with students with disabilities. Those viewing the module can learn about how counselors may participate in IEP team meetings, how to determine the need for group or individual counseling, how to assist with transition planning, and how to pursue referrals to other professionals when appropriate (est. completion time: 1 hour).
- Subject:
- Education
- Special Education
- Material Type:
- Module
- Provider:
- Vanderbilt University
- Provider Set:
- IRIS Center
- Date Added:
- 09/07/2018
Middle and High School educators across Lebanon County, Pennsylvania developed lesson plans to integrate the Pennsylvania Career Education and Work Standards with the content they teach. This work was made possible through a partnership between the South Central PA Workforce Investment Board (SCPa Works) and Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 (IU13) and was funded by a Teacher in the Workplace Grant Award from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. This lesson plan was developed by one of the talented educators who participated in this project during the 2019-2020 school year.
- Subject:
- Career and Technical Education
- Material Type:
- Lesson Plan
- Author:
- Rachael Haverstick
- Kathryn Kline Grove
- Date Added:
- 10/27/2020
Welcome to "The Mindful Teacher: Cultivating Presence and Well-Being" activity. Teaching can be a challenging and demanding profession, and it is essential for teachers to take care of their well-being. Mindfulness is a practice that can help teachers cultivate presence, awareness, and emotional regulation, leading to reduced stress, improved well-being, and better student outcomes. This activity will introduce you to the concept of mindfulness, and its benefits, and provide you with practical tools to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.
- Subject:
- Education
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Author:
- Rebecca Henderson
- Date Added:
- 08/31/2023
This module will help school counselors thoughtfully develop positive, collaborative partnerships with their administrators. The module is one of several free and open resources supporting implementation of Washington Senate Bill 5030: Comprehensive School Counseling Programs.
This planning tool is designed to assist district and/or building leaders assess, and revise as necessary, its systems for meeting its obligations under Section 504.
- Subject:
- Education
- Material Type:
- Teaching/Learning Strategy
- Author:
- Maria Muto
- Kylie Massey
- Whitney Triplett
- Kim Reykdal
- Date Added:
- 08/21/2024
Middle and High School educators across Lebanon County, Pennsylvania developed lesson plans to integrate the Pennsylvania Career Education and Work Standards with the content they teach. This work was made possible through a partnership between the South Central PA Workforce Investment Board (SCPa Works) and Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 (IU13) and was funded by a Teacher in the Workplace Grant Award from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. This lesson plan was developed by one of the talented educators who participated in this project during the 2019-2020 school year.
- Subject:
- Career and Technical Education
- Material Type:
- Lesson Plan
- Author:
- Rachael Haverstick
- Date Added:
- 10/27/2020
Welcome to "The Power of Positive Thinking: Building Resilience Through Self-Talk" activity. How we talk to ourselves can have a powerful impact on our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Negative self-talk can be damaging and lead to a lack of self-esteem, limiting beliefs, and difficulties in facing challenges. In contrast, positive self-talk can help us build resilience, develop a growth mindset, and cope better with challenges.This activity will take you through the process of identifying your negative self-talk patterns, replacing them with positive self-talk, and building resilience.
- Subject:
- Education
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Author:
- Rebecca Henderson
- Date Added:
- 08/31/2023
As teachers, we are responsible for preparing our students for success beyond the classroom. A critical aspect of this is ensuring that our students are ready for their future careers. In this professional learning activity, you will learn about the skills and knowledge necessary for students to be career-ready, locate and utilize resources to support student career readiness and develop strategies to integrate career readiness into your curriculum.
- Subject:
- Education
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Author:
- Rebecca Henderson
- Date Added:
- 08/31/2023
This Module provides information for counselors and other education professionals to assist high school students with disabilities in the transition from the school environment to a post-school setting (est. completion time: 1.5 hours).
- Subject:
- Education
- Special Education
- Material Type:
- Module
- Provider:
- Vanderbilt University
- Provider Set:
- IRIS Center
- Date Added:
- 09/07/2018
A crosswalk that aligns the 2024 American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success, Washington State Financial Education Learning Standards, Washington State Health & Physical Education Learning Standards to the WA Social Emotional Learning Standards and Benchmarks. The downloadable document includes both more detailed references to standards and an "at-a-glance" version of the crosswalk. Purpose: This resource is intended to be used as a reference tool to show connections and/or alignment between the Washington State Social Emotional Learning Standards and Benchmarks and a selection of other related state standards. For example, this tool can support content integration, identification of gaps in curriculum, program alignment, cross-department collaboration, appraisal of student growth & development, reflection of local priorities, etc. When choosing the appropriate learning standard for students, it is important to ensure that the standards are directly aligned with the learning objective(s) for the lesson or intervention and the developmental level of the student(s). Refer to Washington Social Emotional Learning Indicators for more information.
- Subject:
- Education
- Material Type:
- Teaching/Learning Strategy
- Author:
- Maria Muto
- Kylie Massey
- Amy Kliewer
- Ken Turner
- Washington OSPI OER Project
- Date Added:
- 05/29/2024
The first in a series of statewide webinars, in this session participants will gain an understanding of the requirements and opportunities related to SSB 5030. This includes insights into the legislation’s goals and implications. The webinar will explore how SSB 5030 aligns with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model. Participants will learn how the legislation supports and complements existing counseling frameworks snd discover practical ways to utilize the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)’s CSCP District Self-Assessment and Template Tool to support districts in evaluating their implementation of SSB 5030 and planning for effective student support services.
This webinar supports participants to know how to explore ways to thoughtfully consider how the CSCP enables staff to identify students in need of Tier 2 and 3 support, deliver appropriate evidence-based interventions, and evaluate for impact on student outcomes. And teaches strategies to assess our current level of implementation and make plans for continued development of proactive Tier 2 and 3 supports that are assessed and adjusted to maximize effectiveness, in partnership with administrators and other ESAs.
By the end of this webinar participants will know how to take steps to align our CSCPs to standards in meaningful and realistic ways, understand how use of standards helps CSCP staff positively impact students, and locate resources related to CSCP standards.
Explore strategies for tightening up delivery systems and learn tips for problem-solving common delivery challenges. Walk away feeling more confident in implementing supports to impact student success!By the end of this webinar, we will be able to:Assess our use of time data as it relates to delivering direct and indirect services to studentsProblem solve common CSCP delivery challenges and make adjustments to our delivery system to better serve students