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  • student-voices
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Using the work of Faculty and Professional Learning Community, this tool will help drive the discussions, gain input and help provide data for the High School Redesign project that is beginning at Grant Wood AEA. It will help define what student success will look like in this project as we are moving from a traditional high school setting to a program that will meet the needs of today's students and prepare the every changing society and work place that they will be entering.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Case Study
Data Set
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What do we mean by "student success"?
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This Faculty and Professional Learning Community (FPLC) sought to identify and analyze various conceptions of what is meant by the ubiquitous higher education phrase “student success.” Despite the phrase “student success” being used indiscriminately in numerous policies and initiatives, our research indicates that definitions of student success remain amorphous, ambiguous, and highly contextual. Our FPLC worked to identify and examine the extent of misaligned definitions in order to promote a more cohesive conversation about our universally stated goal of student success. While identifying a universal definition of "student success" may be neither possible, nor desirable (and was thus not our aim), efforts to identify and explore interpretations are productive for illuminating the complexities and nuances of a meaningful phrase. To further this goal, we placed special emphasis on eliciting student voices and notions of what their own success looked and felt like.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Case Study
Data Set
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