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  • travelling
Let's go travelling
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This is an activity for students to speak about the topic of travelling. It has been created for the level C1 and it is divided into different steps.1. WARM UPThe students answer some general questions about travelling.2. READING AND SPEAKING TASKSThe students read a text about "What kind of traveller are you?. There are some expresiions in bold that they need to match to their definitions, so a QR code is provided for them to acces an online activity to do so. After that, the students will describe themselves when it come to travelling.3. TOURIST DESTINATIONS.The students will be provided with some expressions to express opinion about whether or not they would like to visit a place. Then they will be shown different tourist destinations so that they can give their opinion about them.4. TRAVEL MISHAPSThe students will complete a questionnaire about travel mishaps and then, they will share the information in groups.

Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
Sandra Ayuso
Date Added: