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  • NE.HSE.2022.HS.1.5.c - Demonstrate the ability to reason critically and systematically.
  • NE.HSE.2022.HS.1.5.c - Demonstrate the ability to reason critically and systematically.
Fast Fashion Workbook
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Throughout this lesson, students will learn about sustainability in the textile industry by researching fast fashion. While completing the workbook, students begin with learning what the fast fashion industry is. Next, they learn about the negative impacts of fast fashion. Students will explore the environmental impact of fast fashion. Finally, students will learn about what they can do to consume textiles in a sustainable manner. All throughout the activity, students are reflecting on their learning by answering questions over the content and their responses to it.  This lesson on fast fashion is a student-directed workbook - perfect for a day with a substitute teacher. This lesson is designed to take one, 50-minute class period.

Architecture and Design
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Audrey Foster
Date Added: