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  • PA.SCI.3.3.3.A2 - Identify the physical properties of minerals and demonstrate how miner...
  • PA.SCI.3.3.3.A2 - Identify the physical properties of minerals and demonstrate how miner...
Designing a Tunnel: An Earth Science Design Challenge
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After teaching a unit about rocks and minerals, students are challenged with picking a site for a tunnel, drilling through a mountain with clay, reinforcing the hole to create a tunnel, and then testing their design. Students will also estimate and calculate the amount of time it takes them to drill.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Think Outside the Bottle
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The Challenge:
The challenge is to design and build a water filtration device using commonly available materials. To meet this challenge, students use an iterative repeating process as they build, test, and measure the performance of the filtration
device, analyze the data collected, and use this information to work towards an improved filtration design. It is the
same design process used by engineers and scientists working on ECLSS for NASA. Although students will work in teams of two–three, they are encouraged to think of their entire class as a single design team working cooperatively and learning from the efforts of all members in order to produce the best water filtration device. Students measure the effectiveness of their filtration device using pH test strips. Detailed plans and a complete materials list are provided.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Think Outside the Bottle
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The Challenge:
The challenge is to design and build a water filtration device using commonly available materials. To meet this challenge, students use an iterative repeating process as they build, test, and measure the performance of the filtration
device, analyze the data collected, and use this information to work towards an improved filtration design. It is the
same design process used by engineers and scientists working on ECLSS for NASA. Although students will work in teams of two–three, they are encouraged to think of their entire class as a single design team working cooperatively and learning from the efforts of all members in order to produce the best water filtration device. Students measure the effectiveness of their filtration device using pH test strips. Detailed plans and a complete materials list are provided.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Date Added: