This funny song by Lebanese singers describes their ride on camels through …
This funny song by Lebanese singers describes their ride on camels through the center of Beirut. The video shows images of downtown Beirut and how unusual it is for camels to be in a big city in the Arab world.
This webpage provides elementary information on aspects of Arab culture and history, …
This webpage provides elementary information on aspects of Arab culture and history, including religion, politics, naming conventions, and Persian influence on Arab culture and language. The information seems to have been authored by the site's administrator, and contains no references or citations.
These extensive vocabulary lists are grouped by topic, and they include MSA …
These extensive vocabulary lists are grouped by topic, and they include MSA terms and occasionally their Egyptian colloquial equivalent. There are also a number of lists with various idioms and Egyptian colloquial expressions. Arabic spellings are accompanied by transliterations.
The Art of Arabic Calligraphy is a collection of four articles by …
The Art of Arabic Calligraphy is a collection of four articles by Mamoun Sakkal, a professional calligrapher. The site explains the history of the Arabic alphabet, the history of Arabic calligraphy, and presents articles on the two largest schools of Arabic calligraphy, Kufic and cursive. Articles are informative and succinct and are accompanied by helpful charts and illustrations. The first section demonstrates all the connected and unconnected forms of the Arabic letters in the most basic script.
Visually searchable database of Algebra 1 videos. Click on a problem and …
Visually searchable database of Algebra 1 videos. Click on a problem and watch the solution on YouTube. Copy and paste this material into your CMS. Videos accompany the open Elementary Algebra textbook published by Flat World Knowledge.
The lessons posted on this site were designed to engage students with …
The lessons posted on this site were designed to engage students with real-world data relevant to content taught in middle school and high school science courses, and to foster an understanding of ways in which they might gather organize, analyze and interpret the data in order to draw scientifically valid inferences, interpretations and conclusions. Most of the labs use computer-based technology of spreadsheet programs or the Python programming interface. The Python lessons guide students in computational thinking to create simple programs to manipulate data. The lessons also provide students (and teachers) with instructions and guidance in the use of these technologies. Teacher and Student worksheets, as well as any supporting files, are linked to from links at the top of each lesson webpage as well as from the downloads page ("downloads" link on the scrolling menu to the left).
This dictionary allows the user to look up words either in Arabic, …
This dictionary allows the user to look up words either in Arabic, in English, or via an Arabic stem. For instance, if you type in ___ it will give you six different words that have the same stem (or root). The dictionary includes less than 4,000 words, and there is no space to type in Arabic; one must use the online keyboard provided. It is available both online and for PC download.
The electromagnetic spectrum* describes the range of energies associated with different forms …
The electromagnetic spectrum* describes the range of energies associated with different forms of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation travels through space as discrete packets called photons. Photons can transport energy the way particles do, but photons have no mass*. Photons vary in the amount of energy they carry. The energy associated with a photon determines where on the electromagnetic spectrum it falls.
This listserv is provided by the Foreign Language Teaching Forum and is …
This listserv is provided by the Foreign Language Teaching Forum and is an integrated service for foreign language teachers, dedicated to encouraging communication, sharing, and collaboration at all levels. The broad discussion topic is foreign language teaching methods for any level of instruction in all languages. Students in teacher training programs, teachers both new and experienced, administrators, and other professionals interested in any aspect of foreign language teaching are invited to participate in discussions. Messages are sent via email and are also archived in a searchable database. The website is hosted by the State University of New York College at Cortland.
This is a program designed to teach individuals different language scripts, among …
This is a program designed to teach individuals different language scripts, among which Arabic is included. It is an exam/game designed to test whether or not the student understands the sound the letters make; an Arabic letter is shown, and students must click on the corresponding sound in English. It is available for standalone Arabic letters, ligatures, and numerals. The game keeps track of the percentage of correct inputs scored. Different transliteration options are available. Scroll down the table to see the row for Arabic links.
This is an instructional video demonstrating how to plot data to create …
This is an instructional video demonstrating how to plot data to create a scatterplot and then find the correlation and equation of the line of best fit.
The series of knitting lessons that follow can be adapted for students …
The series of knitting lessons that follow can be adapted for students from about third or fourth grade all the way through high school, and will fully engage students of widely varying abilities.
This diverse collection of lunar maps was automatically generated from USGS Map-a-Planet …
This diverse collection of lunar maps was automatically generated from USGS Map-a-Planet data together with IAU lunar feature data. Giant zoomable maps of Earth's Moon are featured.
This is the recipe for workshop, where participants hack the rules of …
This is the recipe for workshop, where participants hack the rules of existing videogames in response to topical issues, and prototype new games that are vessels of alternative values and messages.
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