Comparing prices: Shopping for the Beginning Adult ESL learner

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Comparing sales ads for the Shopping Unit for Beginner Adult ESL learners. Using sales ads students will learn how to figure out sale prices, percentage discounts, and final cost of items. They will compare ads from advertisers, compare like items, and find the best price available. Students will learn how to make sentences using comparatives (and superlatives – for higher level ESL learners.)

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Game, Interactive

Author: Orly Penny

Fahrenheit to Celcius Conversions for the Adult ESL Learner

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Adult ESL learners may not know the American measurement system. The United States is one of only five countries still using Fahrenheit to measure temperatures (see list below). Simplifying the conversion can help our learners make sense of local temperatures. The method below is “a reasonable approximation”, not an exact calculation.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive, Lesson Plan

Author: Orly Penny

ESOL Earth Day

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The purpose of this lesson is for students to practice and improve English conversation, writing, vocabulary, and reading through the lens of the Earth Day holiday (April 22nd). Also, students can brainstorm and share what we can do to preserve the Earth on a global or personal scale.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Author: Joanna Stratman