Adult ESL: Intermediate

ACES - Developing a Future Pathway

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ACES (Academic, Career & Employability Skills) The goal of ACES is to ensure that Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs are able to provide effective contextualized instruction integrating post-secondary education and training readiness, employability skills, and career readiness at all levels. The Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) is the cornerstone of ACES. It was designed to provide ABE programs and instructors with guidance on the effective integration of transitions skills into instruction at all levels of ABE. The TIF defines the academic, career, and employability skills essential for adult learners to successfully transition to post-secondary education, career training, the workplace, and community involvement. The ACES Resource Library contains tools to help ABE practitioners incorporate the TIF skills into lessons and instructional settings and provides materials that can be used directly with adult learners.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Heather Turngren

Minnesota Literacy Council Curriculum and Lesson Plans

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The Minnesota Literacy Council provides a wide variety of professionally written curriculum for adult ESL, adult literacy, and GED classes. The ESL Curriculum includes six months of comprehensive, life-skills based curriculum for pre-beginning and beginning level classes. The units in these curricula are based on themes that are applicable to adult ESL learners, aligned with the CASAS standards, and incorporate the ACES Transitions Skills Framework. Each unit includes explicit teacher instructions, a grammar focus, and printable handouts. GED Science and Mathematical Reasoning curricula are also available, as well as curriculum for employment readiness, technology mini-grants, and citizenship instruction. The site also includes curriculum units that were created in partnership with ECHO Minnesota. Topics covered are: voting, domestic violence, community resilience, tornado safety, and health.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Blended Best Practices: Immigration 3rd Grade

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This resource was created by Sarah Davenport in collaboration with Tina Williams as part of the 2019-20 ESU-NDE Digital Age Pedagogy Project. Educators worked with coaches to create Unit Plans promoting BlendEd Learning Best Practices. This Unit Plan is designed for 3rd Grade Social Studies.

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Simulation, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Unit of Study

Author: Tina Williams

Introduction to Visual Media Literacy

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This social media literacy unit introduces students to foundational skills in analyzing images and social media posts. It also reenforces critical thinking questions that can be applied to various forms of media. This unit was taught to 9th grade students but is easily adaptible to a range of secondary classrooms. It was also taught in conjunction with another unit focused on social media platforms and content.

Material Type: Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Lesson Plan, Reading, Unit of Study

Author: Shana Ferguson