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Deadly Droughts

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In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Weather vs. Climate

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It’s a sunny day where you live. So that means you must live in a warm climate! a sunny day just the weather? Hmmm.. weather and climate are related but they mean different things. In this seminar you will learn about the difference between weather and climate. You will be able to apply your past knowledge of weather to this seminar. By the end of this seminar, you will be able to classify outside conditions as either weather or climate.StandardsStandard 3.3.4.A.5Describe basic weather elements. Identify weather patterns over time.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Severe Weather

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We are used to seeing weather every day. Some days it’s sunny, some days it’s rainy, some days it’s snowy. Those types of weather usually do not put us at risk. But what about severe weather? In this seminar you will apply your prior knowledge of weather and learn what is new about severe weather. You will also discover different types of severe weather. By the end of this seminar, you will be able to classify severe weather based on its conditions.StandardsStandard- 3.3.4.A5Describe basic weather elements. Identify weather patterns over time.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Seasons & The Sun

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The four seasons are familiar to most people: winter, spring, summer and fall. But why do we have the four seasons? What causes the change in weather throughout the year? In this seminar you will learn about the relationship between the seasons and the sun. You will apply your prior knowledge of the four seasons to come to an understanding of the sun’s effect on them. By the end of this seminar, you will be able to classify the four seasons based on the Earth’s position to the sun.Standards 3.3.4.A5Describe basic weather elements. Identify weather patterns over time.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains


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Magnets are all around us. In fact, the Earth is like a giant magnet. Have you ever thought about how magnets work? In this seminar you will learn about magnets and how they attract or repel different materials. By the end of this seminar, you will be able to compare and contrast the poles of magnets and accurately describe how these poles work.Standards 3.2.4.B4Demonstrate that magnets have poles that repel and attract each other.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Problem Based Module: South Sudan: Lights Out

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In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains


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Electromagnets combine two things we are familiar with: electricity and magnets. They are more common than you think! Did you know your doorbell actually contains an electromagnet? In this seminar you will learn what an electromagnet is and how it works. By the end of this seminar, you will be able to compare and contrast magnets and electromagnets.Standards3.2.5.B4Demonstrate how electromagnets can be made and used.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Electrical Circuits

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Electricity powers almost everything we use each day. It’s hard to believe that people used to live without it! In this seminar, you will learn about that circuits that allow electricity to flow and power the items in our homes. By the end of this seminar you will be able to accurately explain the pathway of a circuit.Standards3.2.4.B4Apply knowledge of basic electrical circuits to the design and construction of simple direct current circuits.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

The Water Cycle

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In this seminar you will learn all about the water cycle that we have on Earth. You will use the habit of mind known as gathering data through all senses to explore each stage of the water cycle. You will explain why the water cycle is essential for humans, animals, and plants on Earth. Finally, you will get to explain how the water cycle works through an informational project.Standards3.2.4.A5MODELSUse models to demonstrate the physical change as water goes from liquid to ice and from liquid to vapor.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

The Importance of Water

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In this seminar you will learn all about the importance of water and how much water we have available on Earth.  You will see how different types of water are classified . You will persuade your audience to conserve water and describe different ways that they can conserve water.Standards3.2.4.A5MODELSUse models to demonstrate the physical change as water goes from liquid to ice and from liquid to vapor.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Problem Based Module: Without Water

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In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Types of Clouds

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In this seminar you will learn all about the many types of clouds that we have on Earth. You will use the habit of mind known as gathering data through all senses, and you will classify different types of clouds. You will explain precipitation clouds through an informational project at the end of the seminar.Standards3.2.4.A5MODELSUse models to demonstrate the physical change as water goes from liquid to ice and from liquid to vapor.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Plant Life Cycle

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In this seminar you will learn all about the life cycle of a plant. You will describe plant parts and the role they play during each phase of the plant’s life cycle. Then, you will give real life examples of plants that follow the same life cycle that you have learned about. You will apply past knowledge as you examine what conditions it takes for a seed to grow into a plant too!Standards3.1.4.A3Identify differences in the life cycles of plants and animals.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Dangerous Disruptions

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In this seminar you will use the habit of mind known as comparing as you learn about the impact of human interference in an animal’s life. Believe it or not, humans impact the lives of animals all of the time through the decisions that they make. You will apply past knowledge to new situations during this seminar as you explain how humans are impacting animal populations and persuade your audience to help an endangered animal.Standards3.1.4.A3Identify differences in the life cycles of plants and animals.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Animal Life Cycle

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In this seminar you will learn all about the life cycle of the frog. You will explain the dangers that frogs face during each phase of their life cycle. You will apply past knowledge to new situations during this seminar and compare and contrast the plant life cycle to the life cycle of an animal.Standards3.1.4.A3Identify differences in the life cycles of plants and animals.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Problem Based Module: Why Couldn’t the Chicken Cross the Road?

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In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Problem Based Module: Melting Ice

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In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Comparing Biomes

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In this seminar you will begin to explore the differences between two biomes. You will be thinking interdependently and using the complex reasoning skill of comparing. You will compare the similarities and differences of two aquatic biomes and persuade people to conserve the Earth’s fresh water.Standards3.1.4.A5Describe common functions living things share to help them function in a specific environment.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Animal Adaptations

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In this seminar you will begin to explore the adaptations of the polar bear and learn how they stay alive in such a harsh environment. You will be thinking interdependently and using the complex reasoning skill of comparing. You will compare the adaptations of one arctic creature to another. Additionally, you will find a way to persuade people to save endangered arctic animals.StandardsStandard - 3.1.4.A5Describe common functions living things share to help them function in a specific environment.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains

Ecosystems v. Biomes

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In this seminar you will begin to explore the differences between ecosystems and biomes. You will be thinking interdependently and using the complex reasoning skill of comparing as you explore different biomes on Earth. You will get to pick a biome of your choice to describe in an informational project.Standards3.1.4.A5Describe common functions living things share to help them function in a specific environment.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Bonnie Waltz, Deanna Mayers, Tracy Rains