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Activities at Parties

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Planning a party or being at a party can be a lot of fun.  What types of activities happen at a party or do people do  You may already know a few, but in this seminar we will take a look at more specific verbs dealing with a party.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives Learning TargetI can ask for and provide information on various topics.Habits of MindApplying past knowledge to new situationsCritical Thinking SkillClarity

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Family Members

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Mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, and uncle are just a few words you will learning about in this seminar.  You will be able to identify various family members in your family as well as in other people's families by using possessive adjectives as well.  Combine this new knowledge with previously reviewed adjectives and verbs to begin telling more and more about what others are like and what they do.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Cultural ComparisonsLearning TargetI can say or write something about the members of my family and ask about someone’s family.Habits of MindApplying past knowledge to new situationsCritical Thinking SkillInternalize

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Present Tense Irregular Verbs

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Ir, Ser, and Tener are irregular Spanish verbs.  They have their own unique conjugations and follow different rules in the present tense than regular present tense verbs.  In this seminar you will review how these verbs are conjugated as well as some other irregular verbs.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can match a character in a headline to a supporting visualHabits of MindThinking flexiblyCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Tener Expressions

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Let’s review the forms of tener: (tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, and tienen.  Using the word "que" attached to tener indicates you have to do something.  In this seminar you will discuss several tener expressions as well as the importance of using the expression "ir+a+infintive" as a simple way to indicate what you will do in the future.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can write about things I plan to do.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Traditional Celebrations

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Typical celebrations include annual holidays or special events in one's life.  Some of these special events can include weddings or other religious events such as baptisms or bar mitzvahs.  Special events can also include special days or parties such as a Quinceañera.  A Quinceañera can be compared to a Sweet 16; however, it is celebrated on a fifteenth birthday. In this seminar read more about a Quinceañera and the details of this typical celebration.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to PerspectivesCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesLearning TargetI can write about a typical celebration.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Colors & Other Descriptive Adjectives

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What do you notice when you look at an ad? If it is a magazine or something you find online, do you notice the colors or the price?  Do you read any information about the product?  As you learn more about bedroom information, discover how it is described in an ad and what you can do so you can be a better shopper in Spanish.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive CommunicationComparisons: Cultural ComparisonsConnections: Acquiring Information and Diverse PerspectivesLearning TargetI can understand basic familiar information from an adHabits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Comparing Artists

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In this seminar you will be able to discuss Spanish artists using comparison phrases and o-->ue stem changing verbs.  Comparison phrases such as more than, less than, and as much as can be used in conjunction with previously learned adjectives.   In this seminar you will compare and contrast various Spanish-speaking artists and their influence in art.  ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Products to PerspectivesConnections: Making ConnectionsCommunities: Lifelong LearningLearning TargetI can discuss and make comparisons between different artists from Spanish-speaking countries.Habits of MindThinking flexiblyCritical Thinking SkillComparing

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Items in a Bedroom

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Do you have a bed, dresser, mirror, or window in your bedroom?  What other types of things might you have in your bedroom?  Discover how to identify these objects in Spanish so you can label them correctly.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Products to PerspectivesLearning TargetI can label items in a room.Habits of MindApplying past knowledge to new situationsCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Describing Food

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You've just had a plate of food set in front of you and you dive right in.  What does it taste like?  The adjectives you use to describe food can tell someone what it tastes like and if they want to try it as well.  Adjectives like delicious and tasty will be learned in this seminar to describe a main dish or dessert.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication, Interpersonal CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Products to PerspectivesLearning TargetI can understand basic information on food labels.Habits of MindClassifyingCritical Thinking SkillApplying past knowledge to new situations

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Describing People

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Physical descriptions describe what someone looks like, as if you never spoke to them and only relied on what the eyes can see. What types of adjectives physically describe people?  In this seminar you will build on your physical adjectives vocabulary to use words such as tall, short, young, old, etc.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Interpretive CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can understand descriptions about peers.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillClassifying

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Table and Restaurant

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Have you ever set the table?  Do you know where the fork, spoon, glass, napkin go?  In this seminar you will travel to a Spanish-speaking restaurant to not only identify various menu items but you will also identify the items on a table.  Is there anything different Spanish people have on their table?ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication, Interpersonal CommunicationCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesComparisons: Cultural ComparisonsLearning TargetI can identify some menu items.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillClassifying

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Clothing Items

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What kind of clothing do you wear; jeans, a t-shirt, socks, and sneakers?  Be able to describe your clothing style using the vocabulary for clothing items as well as the adjectives and colors you have already learned in previous seminars.  You will also be able to walk into stores or look at others to identify clothing items in Spanish.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Interpretive CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives, Relating Cultural Products to PerspectivesConnections: Making ConnectionsComparisons: Cultural ComparisonsCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesLearning TargetI can list items I see every day.Habits of MindApplying past knowledge to new situationsCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Talk About Prices

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This seminar will prep you for the real shopping experience.  Be able to ask how much something costs and how to describe the price- is is expensive or cheap? You will be able to use adjective and clothing vocabulary to be specific in what you are asking about too!ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can understand a simple transaction between a customer and a sales clerk.Habits of MindStriving for accuracyCritical Thinking SkillComparing

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Demonstrative Adjectives

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This, that, these, and those are all demonstrative adjectives that can indicate specific clothing items whether online or in a real store. In this seminar you will learn how to say these words in Spanish and how they differ from masculine and feminine to singular and plural.  Get ready to use them to shop!ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Interpretive CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to PerspectivesLearning TargetI can follow directions to make an online purchase.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

e-->ie Stem Changers

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It is important to be kind and be familiar with compliments to share with others.  In this seminar you will discuss compliments in Spanish when dealing with clothes by learning how to conjugate e to ie stem changing verbs.  These verbs include: preferir (to prefer), querer (to want), and pensar (to think).  ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can understand simple compliments about what I am wearing.Habits of MindApplying past knowledge to new situationsCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Talk About Shopping

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As you prepare to go shopping, what are you looking for? What do you want to buy? Who will be able to help you when you enter a store? Discover some important vocabulary in this seminar that will help you prepare in your future clothing shopping experience in a Spanish-speaking country.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can make a purchase.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillConstruct Meaning

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Classroom Activities

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Think about some of the things you do in the classroom.  What do you make sure you do so you don't get in trouble and you can be successful?  Do you turn in your homework?  Do you arrive on time?  Do you participate and respect everyone?  In this seminar we will discuss the rules and what you should do to be successful in class.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Presentational CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to PerspectivesLearning TargetI can explain basic rules, policies, or laws that affect others and answer questions about them.Habits of MindQuestioning and posing problemsCritical Thinking SkillQuestioning and posing problems  

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Extracurricular Activities

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There are so many things you can participate in at school.  Do you like sports?  Join a team or go to a gym! Do you like music?  Join the band or the drama club?  Do you like to participate in various things?  Learn how to say all of these opportunities in Spanish in this seminar.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Practices to PerspectivesLearning TargetI can present an overview about my school, community, or workplace.Habits of MindApplying past knowledge to new situationsCritical Thinking SkillConstructing Support 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Saber vs Conocer

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Saber and conocer both mean to know, but which one do you use and when?  How are they conjugated?  Learn about both of these verbs in this seminar!ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpretive Communication, Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsLearning TargetI can understand simple captions under photos.Habits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillInternalize

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Stem Changers

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Prior to Spanish 3, you have learned how to tell time in Spanish and how to identify your classes in Spanish.  In this lesson we will discuss e to ie stem changing verbs, but in particular the verb empezar.  Empezar means to start.  Now you will be able to take your knowledge of time, classes, and e to ie stem changing verbs, to write about when your classes start.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationConnections: Making ConnectionsLearning TargetI can list my classes and tell what time they start.Habits of MindStriving for accuracyCritical Thinking SkillConstructing Support

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author