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Jobs in Science, Technology and Business

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Getting to explore new jobs and careers is an exciting time, but it can also be a little frightening or overwhelming.  It is important to become knowledgeable of all that is offered and the many types of jobs out there. In this seminar you will get to learn about careers in science, technology, and business and how to say them in Spanish.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCommunities: Lifelong LearningLearning TargetI can make a presentation about the history or current status, of a school, organization, or company.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillInvestigation

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Jobs in the Art

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When you think about a job in the arts, what do you think of?  Maybe a painter, artist, interior decorator, performer, or musician... whatever it may be, there is a lot of education and experience needed for these jobs.  In this seminar you will learn about various careers in the arts and how to say them in Spanish.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCommunities: Lifelong LearningLearning TargetI can provide a rationale for the importance of certain classes, subjects, or training programs.Habits of MindStriving for accuracyCritical Thinking SkillConstructing Support

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Talk About the Future

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In this seminar you will be able to discuss your plans for your future by learning vocabulary dealing with planning for the future and the various options you have.  In this seminar you will discover several possibilities and begin to narrow down your plan to prepare yourself for the future.ACTFL StandardsInterpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCommunities: Lifelong LearningLearning TargetI can present my qualifications and goals for an academic program, training, or job.Habits of MindTaking responsible risksCritical Thinking SkillDecision Making

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author